BOOBS //)OO(\\


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Hi guys,
Been on proscar divided into 7, for 5 months now.

Has worked great at significantly slowing down my hair loss, that i couldn't be happier about. Sex drive waned but is now back to normal :)

BUT now, aside from the increased acne, my chest area is becoming more, how should i say...fatty. No breasts as such and no gyno related pain or lumps, but my nipples are puffier and there is an increase in the size of my chest fat, nothing to serious mind you, but enough to make it noticible and disproportionate, they stick out more and seem to be holding more fatty tissue, noticible when standing upright and go somewhat 'pointy' conical shape when i lean over..

SO, what would be the best thing to do, have any of you gentlemen experienced similair 'side effects' and found a solution.

Im not overweight, im 25, and i do work out, and am quite skinny, so i can't assume this would be happening if i wasnt on finasteride, it seems to be directly related to it.

What do you think?

Thanks fellow Hair loss ppl.


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I'm naturally broad chested, and I haven't worked out for many years since being in the Air Force.

So now I'm a bit fatty up top.. however, I am about to start working out again and getting into great shape as I SHOULD be at age 26. (27 on Nov. 1st)..

Anyway, I would suggest a good amount of push-ups to your workout.. that should tighten up the flab a bit..

A lot of women like a broad chest don't forget, just remember it's better to be able to FLEX that chest and make it stiff, than for it to be flabby. :)

I don't know about any other things such as supplements to counter this situation, just pushups.


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thanks for that.

Push ups aye? my excercise regimen nemesis, i hate them, but yes i still do them....but anyway....

..... it's more a case of why is this happening when on finasteride, rather than fixing the problem after the cause. Preventing it rather than curing it. I think if it was to continue (the chest puffiness) and or get worse i would have to stop finasteride and accept my fate or loosing my hair, who wants puffy chest/nipples?

I'd just like to know who has come accross this side effect and what type of specialist i could see and is there really anything that can be done about it.

I know posts like this have happened before, and it may seem scary to some, but do not fret, it's not major bosoms i am developing just more chest fat since starting finasteride and it is noticble and it just shouldn't be!


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listen. if you think it's gyno it probably is, in some form or another. i was on propecia for about the same amount of time and then i noticed it.

needless to say i quit propecia, since i didnt feel it was worth developing man-boobs for, and my hair was still falling out at the one-year mark.

i work out like crazy lately, and the gyno is still there, i'm in good shape and im thin, so doing some "push-ups" is not going to fix your prob, but going off propecia will. so it's up to you, if it's worth it or not.


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But for me, I've always had a broad chest... and being 20 pounds overweight currently does NOT help.

So I guess you have to know whether or not it's the Propecia or your own body fat percentage which gives you an appearance problem with the chest.

I suppose if I had tenderness and/or pointed nipples, I would quit Propecia..

But for me, I just look like I need to lose 20 pounds and do some damn push-ups. :-x


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IwantMyhair said:
But for me, I just look like I need to lose 20 pounds and do some damn push-ups. :-x

Then why are you sitting there reading my pointless response to your post? Shouldn't you be out running or something? :)


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In-valid said:
listen. if you think it's gyno it probably is, in some form or another. i was on propecia for about the same amount of time and then i noticed it.

True perhaps, but i wouldn't want to go as far as diagnosing myself, but i do see your point. There has been a change in my chest fat, and i can only assume it's the finasteride. *SIGH* There isnt any pain or sensitivity or anything like that..just ..yeh..bla ive said..

This is indeed annoying...but i guess that what one gets for screwing around with your hormones....

Ill give it a month, then see if there is any difference, better or worse..and decide what to do..(obviously seeing a Doctor.)

Sorry for typing this crap..i hate being negative..but just another person explaining my symptoms..catharsis etc...

it did halt the hair loss and stop me worrying so much about it ..


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I have noticed my nipples have pointed out more than before the treatment. Since then I joined the gym and broaden my shoulder and chest.After 3 months in the gym I felt great broaden my shoulder and chest and the nipples don't seem to point out as much.


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To be honest im gonna say that i think you need to lose the body fat man.....i know acouple guys that have pointy nipples ..and they are alittle overweight....without hairloss.Most fat settles in at he chest and belly region for guys so maybe you need to drop the 20 pounds ...then if you stilll have pointy nipples ..then i would stop your regimen...but i bet you when you go to the doctor they wont really know whats wrong with you ...they will prolly say "its normal"

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I think perhaps something about finasteride makes you more likely to carry fat in the chest. There's a big difference between that and gyno. Take it as a damn good motivation to try and drop the weight. There's a good chance that if you don't have very much fat on your body then very little will be stored in the chest.