Boomer's story


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I've been reading this web for a few months now, almost daily, and I must say I learned a lot! Thank you guys. I'm 19 years old. First noticed that I was losing hair in my temples about a 1.5 years ago. I freaked out! :freaked2: It's a shock for a teenager to see that your hair is falling out.. My hair started to shed heavily.. I mean HEAVILY! There were times when I was in the shower and could get almost a handfull of hairs. (I have long hair, so the amount of hairs were not so high) I decided then that I had to do something if I wanted to keep my hair.. That's when I found this website! After a few weeks of researching, I decided to try Minoxidil. Went to the chemist's and bought a bottle of it. I almost collapsed when I saw how much it costed..! (48 euros!) I'm a university student, so my budget is a little short, and giving away that amount each month is a pain in the ***!
But I decided, what the heck, my hair is more important.. Also bought Nizoral, as the itching and flaking are very unconfortable. I've been aplying minoxidil in on my temples for almost 5 months now. Past the 1st ou 2nd month, my hair stopped falling at all! By that time, my temples were all covered with "peach fuzz" (that tiny blonde furr, right?). I delighted with joy! eheh
By now, I cannot say that my regimen is a success.. The peach fuzz fell off (I think), and when I look at my temples with a bright light, I can notice they are full of very tiny dark hairs.. It it good? I think they are growing at a very slow pace, as the last month they were the same!
Well, that's my story... Forgive me if the text isn't too well structured. I'm portuguese. It's a little more difficult to write in english..


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Welcome to the forums boomer :)

I would have opted for Propecia first, if your goal was maintaining. Its really really good at that, and very easy to pop a pill every day versus doing the Rogaine thing twice a day. Rogaine may only grow you some peach fuzz, so keep your options open, and stick with the Nizoral, definitely once every 3 days.

Keep us posted on your progress!


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Propecia freaks me out, because of the side effects. Besides, it's more expensive, more difficult to adquire, and I'm used to applying minoxidil... I only apply it on my temples, and with long hair, it remains unnoticeable as the hair covers the temples.
I'll try to take some pictures of my progress and post them..


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you can get monoxidil for a lor cheaper then that on the net you should be able to get rogaine for about 12 euros and generic for less then 10
do a web search or ask anyone on this site


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So, could you tell me a website to buy it? I just have one problem, I don't have a credit card.. Are there any websites where I can buy with other forms of payment? Like COD?


Established Member
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you could try
i dont have a credit card, i use my Visa eletron card