bosley or hairclub


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whats the differance in their service? Any experiences with either? ANd are they any good? I just need some hair in the crown replaced if the finasteride and minoxidil dont work. Im not really thinning anywhere else and it has not gotten worse for years. Thanks for advise.


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Hello, I had a transplant with Bosley back in 05, the hair that did grow looks natural(not all of the hair grew that was supposed to. The doctor offered to do another 400 graphs for free, but I didnt want it done.) and hard to detect unlike other procedures ive seen, However I have a big scar in the back of my head where they took the donor hair from, and I need to keep my hair longer in the back all the time in order to cover it up, and when I get a haircut it's still noticeable as my hair is thin in the back as well.


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I have not had a hair transplant, but I have done some research into them. I'm fairly certain that dudemon, ben, saf, or others here will chime in soon and echo this statement....


If you've come to these 2 as your possible choices, then you haven't done enough research. A hair transplant is a permanent choice, and you should only go with the very best for something of this nature.

Someone who's done more research than me, can you give him some advice on who to look into? I know Feller and Rahal are both really good, but I'm sure you guys can give more in-depth info.


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Bosely or hairclub? Abit like asking should I borrow money from the Mafia or the Yakuzza?


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Ben said:
Avoid unless you want to be a future repair patient.

Research long and hard. The trusted doctors continuously pop up time and time again.

I giggled like I was in 6th grade again.


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I've been pouring over photos and it looks to me like True and Dorin do really good work, especially on the naturalness of the hair line. Any thoughts on them out there? I've just started a finasteride regiment but surgery could be an option down the road.