Bosley Treatment


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Recently, I've been seeing commercials on the bosley treatment quite a lot lately. They claim to have over 20 years of experience and I was wondering if anybody here has undergone it. If so, please share your experiences. I'd like to hear them from the perspective of patients.

See link:


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No offense taken, dudemon. I respect your brutal honesty and I'm the same way. I admit that I know nothing of hair transplant, which is why I'm here! :)

Also, I appreciate your friendly warning about the people behind the bosley treatment. I am willing to travel anywhere in the world to get the best hair transplant treatment.

What surgeons do you recommend for hair transplant that are the best in their field?


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Hey THM, I had a consult with the Bosley group and they felt like a real "cut and shut" operation.

I've also read nothing but bad stories about them and someone I met recently had a procedure with them which was quite poor (I would not say butcherd, but the results were less than spectacular and she is going to have a procedure with the surgeon who did my hair transplant now).

While I don't agree that all UK surgeons are bad, there are only two I know of who can give decent results, both of which I have had either first hand experience of or know a few people who have been there.

That said, both will tell you themselves that they won't do the same density that some of the better known American and Canadian clinics will do, though they will be considerably better value, so it depends how much work you need.

As Dudemon said above, *definately* do your research but also, don't be too swayed too much by the awful horror stories or the evangelical positive stories you'll read (and I'm sure you'll see both in this thread in the coming hours and days).

Remember, including me, you won't *know* the people who will give you advice, and many of which will have their own agendas.

Do your research.
Ask Questions
Use common sense

Hope this helps :)


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Bosely are on of those faceless corporations, treating people as nothing more than another booking.
Employing hardsell tactics and offers just to get you to sign up. They'll treat you like you're a car having a new exhaust fitted not a person having a delicate operation.

You need to research the guys with the good reputaions who can offer you 100's of examples of satified customers. These clinics will be run by (and named after) the surgeon himself and it should be him who deals with you personally from start to finish. Beware of places that employ multiple surgeons and have practices all over the country. Also make sure the place specialises in only doing hair transplants and not a multitude of other cosmetic procedures.
Read up on here and other forums such as hairtransplantnetwork and you'll soon see who are the well respected surgeons - the 'big names' (and there's only a few of them out there) and who are the ones to avoid.


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GeminiX said:
While I don't agree that all UK surgeons are bad, there are only two I know of who can give decent results, both of which I have had either first hand experience of or know a few people who have been there.

Curious, which UK surgeons do you recommend?


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THM said:
Curious, which UK surgeons do you recommend?
Steer well clear if you want to give yourself a chance of a decent result!

Dudemon mentioned most of the ones which you would be safest using. ^
You'll find those names being recommended again and again and they'll be able to offer you plenty (100's) of examples of good result not just 1 or 2 flukey/fake ones like some places.


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THM said:
GeminiX said:
While I don't agree that all UK surgeons are bad, there are only two I know of who can give decent results, both of which I have had either first hand experience of or know a few people who have been there.

Curious, which UK surgeons do you recommend?

Dr. Rogers in Stratford upon Avon did my hair transplant, I've got before and after pics on my site.

He's a very genuine surgeon and he has consistently good results, you also meet him personally at a consult where he will tell you exactly what you can expect from the procedure and how much it will cost, not some sales guy who will offer you a free tee-shirt or something if you "book today". If you're in the UK and considering hair transplant, you should at least go and see him, even if you end up going abroad.

Don't be put off by the almost rabid evangelistic fans of the American clinics, they are good for sure and you should be considering them, but Rogers is not *that* far away in the quality, will take just as good care of you and it will be about 1/3 the price. Also, if you have any concerns, you can contact him immediately and he will help, you won't have to fly half way around the world :)

edit: just a note that it's not *bad* to have to travel, there are some other surgical procedures which I'll travel abroad for myself, just that if you can get the work you need on your doorstep, it's worth checking out.

2nd edit, the other surgeon in the UK who does good work is Dr. Farjo.


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But since you have to wear the results 24/7 for the rest of your life, do you want just ok or the best possible outcome?


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s.a.f said:
But since you have to wear the results 24/7 for the rest of your life, do you want just ok or the best possible outcome?


Farjo are getting the best results in the UK, probably because they have learned from US and Candian industry leaders like Feller, Shipiro, H+W, Rahal et al. There are some docs in Europe with good reps also, two good ones in Belgium.

I think over time more UK docs will appear, or the ones we have will improve, but the butchers of old will remain as long as people remain ignorant and desperate.

I don't consider Dr Rodgers a butcher. I had a consult with him a couple of years before I got a H/T in America, and he was honest and upfront about what he could achieve, but compared to the best, the price difference was not that much, even factoring travel in to the equation, and i'm damn glad I waited and went to one of the best.


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Petchsky said:
s.a.f said:
But since you have to wear the results 24/7 for the rest of your life, do you want just ok or the best possible outcome?


Farjo are getting the best results in the UK, probably because they have learned from US and Candian industry leaders like Feller, Shipiro, H+W, Rahal et al. There are some docs in Europe with good reps also, two good ones in Belgium.

I think over time more UK docs will appear, or the ones we have will improve, but the butchers of old will remain as long as people remain ignorant and desperate.

I don't consider Dr Rodgers a butcher. I had a consult with him a couple of years before I got a H/T in America, and he was honest and upfront about what he could achieve, but compared to the best, the price difference was not that much, even factoring travel in to the equation, and i'm damn glad I waited and went to one of the best.

I dont know, in the U.S you have guys like H&W, Cole and Feller these guys have been at the forefront for over the last decade they are the ones pushing the limits and creating new techniques. Feller has patented surgical equiptment to help him perfrom better surgeries. Cole is credited with being one of the innovators of FUE and H&W hold the record for biggest ever megasessions.

Farjo and Rodgers are considered the best in the UK they are probably the UK's only real hair transplant surgeons, but their standards are running about 10 yrs behind. They have only recently started using for dissection the same microscopes that the Dr's in the U.S have been using since the 90's.

But worse still you have places like Norton and Nobel STILL using mini graft techniques and non tricho closures that belong back in the 80's.
And now you have places like the Hospital group jumping on the bandwagon to offer hair transplant's in their many clinics across the country using 'have a go', 'jack of all trade' surgeons, and general nursing assistants to dissect place the grafts. These guys are not hair transplant specialists.
And all these places are doing great trade on the the newbies who dont do their research and fall for the sales pitch and magazine ads.


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I'm not saying the best UK clinics are exactly as good as the world’s very best clinics, but they are nowhere near as far away as popular myth repeated on this forum suggests. If all you need are a few thousand grafts then there is *absolutely* no need to travel abroad.

I’ve found first hand that many of the claims made about these so called “World’s best†is just hype. Yes, the work they do in many of the cases I’ve seen is superb, and their density for a single session is unmatched, staggeringly good even, but not everyone needs that much work.

As I've said before, even years ago when I had my procedure, the nurses at my GP office were really impressed at how clean the donor area was and the quality of the surgical work, they even called in a passing doctor to show him. Also Rogers has a brand new lab and theatre with the latest equipment (the new surgical couch looks really comfy, no more neck strain :) ).

I also know you guys will never accept that there is any reason to *not* use your guys, and I get it, much in the same way that I support Rogers I guess, but please don't post exaggerated claims that imply he is in the stone age compared to the Americans.

Also consider that this form of elitist hype will drive people away from having any surgery at all. Sure, you can justify it by claiming that unless you’re spending tens of thousands and want the best of the best then people should stay away, but that’s like telling people to not but a motor car unless you can have an Porsche, when all they *need* is an Audi.

By all means we should work together in educating people to avoid the cowboys and butchers, but don’t misrepresent surgeons who do excellent work with consistent results. These "higher end, but not quite best-in-the-world" surgeons are more than enough for most people to achieve natural looking results and feel great about themselves.

Look at it this way, I had no real limit on my budget so I was happy to consider the Americans (and will do again if I decide on further work). But aside from not even being able to get hold of most of them (dreadful customer service), I simply had no reason to spend nearly £12,000 when Rogers was able to provide *exactly* what I wanted for £4,000. I had *nothing* to gain from spending more and enduring the hassle of travel. Honestly, I’m such a snob, I even do my shopping at M&S, but even I could not see any reason to go to the US clinics, and I *really* did my research.

If a client needs a huge area covered with high density in a single session, then I suspect you will need to go abroad. Rogers team is not big enough to do that; it's not a skill issue as such, it's the lack of time for the skilled staff he has' and he will tell you so himself. But if you need hairline work, moderate density or happy to have the procedures done over a couple of sessions then there is no reason at all to not consider him.

At the end of the day, Rogers is a smaller clinic that specialises in what he does, he is not set up for the mega-sessions some of the other clinics do.

Conversely, I had a consult with Norton at the time too, they offered me nearly 4 times the number of graft that Rogers was offering for £1500 less. Needless to say I declined their "fantastic" offer...


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GeminiX said:
I'm not saying the best UK clinics are exactly as good as the world’s very best clinics, but they are nowhere near as far away as popular myth repeated on this forum suggests. If all you need are a few thousand grafts then there is *absolutely* no need to travel abroad.

I’ve found first hand that many of the claims made about these so called “World’s best†is just hype. Yes, the work they do in many of the cases I’ve seen is superb, and their density for a single session is unmatched, staggeringly good even, but not everyone needs that much work.

I also know you guys will never accept that there is any reason to *not* use your guys, and I get it, much in the same way that I support Rogers I guess, but please don't post exaggerated claims that imply he is in the stone age compared to the Americans.

Also consider that this form of elitist hype will drive people away from having any surgery at all. Sure, you can justify it by claiming that unless you’re spending tens of thousands and want the best of the best then people should stay away, but that’s like telling people to not but a motor car unless you can have an Porsche, when all they *need* is an Audi.

By all means we should work together in educating people to avoid the cowboys and butchers, but don’t misrepresent surgeons who do excellent work with consistent results. These "higher end, but not quite best-in-the-world" surgeons are more than enough for most people to achieve natural looking results and feel great about themselves.

Look at it this way, I had no real limit on my budget so I was happy to consider the Americans (and will do again if I decide on further work). But aside from not even being able to get hold of most of them (dreadful customer service), I simply had no reason to spend nearly £12,000 when Rogers was able to provide *exactly* what I wanted for £4,000. I had *nothing* to gain from spending more and enduring the hassle of travel. Honestly, I’m such a snob, I even do my shopping at M&S, but even I could not see any reason to go to the US clinics, and I *really* did my research.

If a client needs a huge area covered with high density in a single session, then I suspect you will need to go abroad. Rogers team is not big enough to do that; it's not a skill issue as such, it's the lack of time for the skilled staff he has' and he will tell you so himself. But if you need hairline work, moderate density or happy to have the procedures done over a couple of sessions then there is no reason at all to not consider him.

At the end of the day, Rogers is a smaller clinic that specialises in what he does, he is not set up for the mega-sessions some of the other clinics do.

Conversely, I had a consult with Norton at the time too, they offered me nearly 4 times the number of graft that Rogers was offering for £1500 less. Needless to say I declined their "fantastic" offer...

FWIW You'll find that with the $ exchange rate Rogers is actually more expensive than most of the top foriegn clinics, Certainly when I had mine done even with the hotel and airfare it still worked out about £1000 less than going to Rodgers.
The only top guy with ridiculous prices is Armani.
And I've never met anyone who would be happy to settle for nothing but the best when it comes to their hair. Why would anyone want to have anything less than the maximum density available or put themselves through the discomfort of surgery for any more times than is necessary.

Ps with Norton you'll probably actually only recieve about 10% of the grafts they 'claim' to give you.


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s.a.f said:
But since you have to wear the results 24/7 for the rest of your life, do you want just ok or the best possible outcome?

Actually, I'm looking for the best possible result.


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GeminiX said:
THM said:
GeminiX said:
While I don't agree that all UK surgeons are bad, there are only two I know of who can give decent results, both of which I have had either first hand experience of or know a few people who have been there.

Curious, which UK surgeons do you recommend?

Dr. Rogers in Stratford upon Avon did my hair transplant, I've got before and after pics on my site.

He's a very genuine surgeon and he has consistently good results, you also meet him personally at a consult where he will tell you exactly what you can expect from the procedure and how much it will cost, not some sales guy who will offer you a free tee-shirt or something if you "book today". If you're in the UK and considering hair transplant, you should at least go and see him, even if you end up going abroad.

Don't be put off by the almost rabid evangelistic fans of the American clinics, they are good for sure and you should be considering them, but Rogers is not *that* far away in the quality, will take just as good care of you and it will be about 1/3 the price. Also, if you have any concerns, you can contact him immediately and he will help, you won't have to fly half way around the world :)

edit: just a note that it's not *bad* to have to travel, there are some other surgical procedures which I'll travel abroad for myself, just that if you can get the work you need on your doorstep, it's worth checking out.

2nd edit, the other surgeon in the UK who does good work is Dr. Farjo.

What do you know about Dr. Ash Dutta, the founder of the Aesthetic Beauty Centre?

See link: ... ration.htm


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dudemon said:
THM said:
What surgeons do you recommend for hair transplant that are the best in their field?

The three I mentioned in my earlier post:

dudemon said:
For starters, look into the following: Dr. Feller (NYC), Dr. Shapiro (Minn), Hasson and Wong (Vancouver BC). These three are among the best of the best in the world.

These three are definately among the top surgeons in the world. However, H&W does only strip, while I feel FUE is much better. With strip you have a donor scar going across the back of your head that stays visible for the rest of your life. With FUE, you avoid that, and the scaring is very minimal in the donor area if done correctly.

There are a few others worth looking into also: Dr. Umar (So Cal), Dr. Jim, Harris (Col), Dr. Rahal (Toronto), and Dr. Cole (Atlanta). I've heard and read these are also pretty decent.

BUt do your research as there a several more of them but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

One thing though: DON'T go merely off the fact that they are listed on the "IAHRS" website or any other official "cosmetic surgeon" licensing operation. Also, their medical background and where they went to med school is not that important - as long as they went.

Hair transplantation takes a lot of talent and skill to produce realistic results. The best hair transplant surgeons are realy masters of their craft - hair transplants - and they are more like artists than they are like doctors.

IMO, there are really about a dozen hair transplant surgeons in the whole world that can consisitently produce decent results. All the rest are inferior.

Thanks for your recommedations. Also, what do you think about alternative treatments like laser surgery? Do they have better results than hair transplant?


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THM said:
What do you know about Dr. Ash Dutta, the founder of the Aesthetic Beauty Centre?

See link: ... ration.htm

Did you read my post? this is exactly what I was talking about.

I would'nt touch this place with a bargepole its obviously another Hospital group.

Ps Lazer therapy is also a scam.


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dudemon said:
THM said:
Thanks for your recommedations. Also, what do you think about alternative treatments like laser surgery? Do they have better results than hair transplant?

Forget about lasers. They were a fad that came and went just as fast as they came (about a decade ago). None of the major expert surgeons are using lasers anymore (For the most part, most of the "best of the best" ones never did as lasers were untested)

From what I've heard and been told about lasers, they created so many disasterous results (and many surgeons who used them were sued) that they went bye-bye in a heartbeat.

From the best of my knowledge (unless there have been new developments in laser tech in the last few years that I haven't heard about) any clinic or surgeon still advocating the use of lasers is substantially "behind the curve" as far as being up on the latest and greatest (as in like 10 years outdated). I would stay away from them.

Again, if any of the ones I mentioned to you in my earlier post were actually using lasers, I'd be very surprised. In that case, if any are, there must be something new in laser tech then. Otherwise, I'd run away from ones who advertise that they use lasers fro hair transplants.

Have you heard about a Canadian company called Trichoscience? They are currently running experiments which creates new hair follicles in a non-surgical way via lasers. I checked it out last year and I have the link below for you to see, but right now it is undergoing construction.

See link:

What do you know about them?

dudemon said:
The only thing I know they are still used for is dermabrasion on a donor scar which I am considering myself. (But it's mucho in $5,000 to do a donor strip scar).

Curious, which specialist are you planning to see about your hair transplant issue?


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dudemon said:
THM said:
Have you heard about a Canadian company called Trichoscience? They are currently running experiments which creates new hair follicles in a non-surgical way via lasers. I checked it out last year and I have the link below for you to see, but right now it is undergoing construction.

See link:

What do you know about them?

OK, thats something new. But it is not the same thing as traditional hair transplantation done with laser incisions, which is what I thought you were refering to earlier.

Trichoscience, along with Follica, Histogen, Aderans, and a few others are new startup ventures that are still in the "product development" stage of finding a cure for male pattern baldness. From what I know about this, Follica and Histogen use a special dermabrasion (with lasers, I guess?) technique that damages the scalp, and then adult stem cells, along with other drugs that regenerate WNT fibers that supposedly regrow dead hair follicles are injected into the scalp with the help of laser incisions. I believe Aderans is a hair multiplication operation, similar to ICX, whcih went bankrupt. Trichoscience probably uses the lasers the same way Follica and Histogen do for dermabrasion to exite the stem cells and put them into a growth stage. I could be wrong about some of these details, but it's basically what they do - you get the general idea anyways.

The thing is, all of these companies are still in the testing stage (and have been for several years already), and it may be 5 to 10 years (or as many as 20, 50 or even a 100) years from now that they may actually develop an actual product that will be released on the market to the general public.

Everything all of these companies have done so far has been only for "trials" and only done on a small, select number of volunteers.

THM said:
Curious, which specialist are you planning to see about your hair transplant issue?

I haven't even begun to research yet. All of the ones I named for you are first on my list. However, because my donor is almost tapped out, I am also considering BHT (body hair transplant into scalp) to get more density. There are currently only a few Docs that do BHT - Umar being one of them. Also Feller does I believe. I will probably be doing FUE on my last one because my sides (above my ears) are already too thinned out from my 3 previous hair transplants to do another strip. So H&W are probably off my list unless they start doing FUE. (They are still only doing strip as far as I know). But they are still excellent though.

However, from my experience, FUE is a better way to go, IMO, because if you want to ever shave your head a few years down the road (if you aren't satisfied with your hair transplant results - and alot of guys aren't) you can't if you've had strip. Unless having a glaring, ugly "ear-to-ear smiley face" donor scar going across the back of your head that the whole world can see (and it's it's quite a conversation piece, believe me) appeals to you, then get FUE - not strip.

Does Doctors Feller, Shapiro, Hasson, Wong, Umar, Harris, Rahal (Toronto), and Cole specialize in the FUE procedure?


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dudemon said:
THM said:
Does Doctors Feller, Shapiro, Hasson, Wong, Umar, Harris, Rahal (Toronto), and Cole specialize in the FUE procedure?

Hasson & Wong are the only ones still doing only strip. As far as I know, I don't think they do FUE.

According to the Hasson & Wong website it claims that by using staples instead of stitches will result in no scarring.

1. Is there any scarring with the strip?

2. Also which doctors performs the FUE procedure?