Brain fog - for real


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I've been on finasteride for almost 6 months now, 1.25 mg EOD.

For the past two months or so, I've noticed what I can only describe as "brain fog". Now, let me clarify that I am still a skeptic when it comes to side effects, and have indeed not experienced any others (except mild acne). No loss of libido or erection quality either.

But this brain fog typically manifests itself randomly throughout the day, and in fact, I am experiencing it right now as I type this. Basically, I feel as though I am almost in a dream state. At work it is actually frightening, as I deal with customers all day long while standing. When it happens, I feel like I'm going to pass out or that I'm dreaming and am about to wake up. It's an extremely odd feeling.

At times I will be functioning at 100% of mental capacity, and without warning I will gradually feel like I am losing control of everything and have suddenly gone on autopilot mode. The best way to describe it is that my consciousness is reduced to a small corner of my brain, and I'm left watching myself go through the motions of life.

Does any of this sound familiar to anyone else? Just when I think I need to stop taking it, it goes away and then I become skeptical and wonder if I'm imagining it....


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I do believe it's a genuine side effect. A lot of people do experience it, and not just the insane crowd.

Personally, I did feel a little 'odd' fairly frequently while on finasteride. I'm not sure if it was brain fog or something else, but most of the time I felt medicated. Going out, doing things, getting drunk didn't feel the same. It was way heavier than if I took vitamins or something like that, and it was one factor in why I stopped taking it - just didn't feel 'right' on the stuff.


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When I began with TRT, one of the things I noticed was greatly increased energy, both physical and psychological. My mind... went from depressed and fatigued to aggressive in a positive way, "on edge", clear thinking. Hard to describe, but it was a big change. My point is that androgens are like fuel for your body, and DHT is much more androgenic than testosterone. Just a thought...


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Enden said:
When I began with TRT, one of the things I noticed was greatly increased energy, both physical and psychological. My mind... went from depressed and fatigued to aggressive in a positive way, "on edge", clear thinking. Hard to describe, but it was a big change. My point is that androgens are like fuel for your body, and DHT is much more androgenic than testosterone. Just a thought...


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Definitely possible. The 5 Ar 2 enzyme is responsible for tons of conversions Besides just DHT. Some people end up f*****g their brains over with this shite.

But wait, its all in your head because the fda says finasteride is safe.


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Well, yeah. It's possible, but in my opinion, androgen deficiency is the most likely cause.


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The thing that makes me wonder about 'Brain fog' is that you don't see guys on Avodart complaining of Brain Fog, and that's a stronger anti androgen?


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Petchsky said:
The thing that makes me wonder about 'Brain fog' is that you don't see guys on Avodart complaining of Brain Fog, and that's a stronger anti androgen?

Who are these people to which you refer? did you take a survey with thousands of participants? The link has already been established in susceptible individuals. Theres no point in wasting time disputing that fact.


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barcafan said:
Petchsky said:
The thing that makes me wonder about 'Brain fog' is that you don't see guys on Avodart complaining of Brain Fog, and that's a stronger anti androgen?

Who are these people to which you refer? did you take a survey with thousands of participants? The link has already been established in susceptible individuals. Theres no point in wasting time disputing that fact.

Well, I guess thats that then :whistle:


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Brain fog? Do the pseudo-hermaphrodites have brain fog? Did they have cognitive impairments or psychological disorders of any sort? What exactly is brain fog? That such an open-ended and subjective term. Essentially if you feel off in any way you can call it brain fog and attribute it to finasteride.. Do you ever hear men who take 5 mg of proscar for their prostate complain of brain fog?


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Iv'e always thought brain fog was bollocks and some 'all in our head' side.

In saying that, i have found recently that i struggle to articulate certain words during conversation points. e.g I will be talking to someone and am about to use a big word that i know the meaning of and then have this clouded feeling and i cant quite recall the word untill it's too late and the moments past.
I just dont remember having these little brain lapses when i was'nt on finasteride. Hell maybe it is all my head, but i will say that finasteride could be the culprit as i recently went a week without it due to shipping problems and felt a stronger sense of mental clarity during this time.


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Defiance said:
Iv'e always thought brain fog was bollocks and some 'all in our head' side.

In saying that, i have found recently that i struggle to articulate certain words during conversation points. e.g I will be talking to someone and am about to use a big word that i know the meaning of and then have this clouded feeling and i cant quite recall the word untill it's too late and the moments past.
I just dont remember having these little brain lapses when i was'nt on finasteride. Hell maybe it is all my head, but i will say that finasteride could be the culprit as i recently went a week without it due to shipping problems and felt a stronger sense of mental clarity during this time.

I'm very skeptical of brain fog. I'm not suggesting you're lying but it could be anything. Smoke too many joints or had too many beers recently? Not getting enough sleep? I also experience "forgetting words syndrome" and it's very frustrating but it certainly happened before finasteride. I mean "brain fog" from finasteride isn't impossible. I just wish we could articulate what exactly it is a little better. Is it forgetfulness? Is it lack of focus? If we could get a more precise description then it could even be studied. Get people on and off finasteride in a double blind random study and see if there are any statistically significant differences in forgetfulness or concentration. We can't study if someone has "brain fog." By having this sort of ambiguous umbrella term it just opens the door wide open for hypochondriacs to experience any sort of loss of focus or mental acumen and then complain about how finasteride gave them permanent brain fog.


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Nene said:
Brain fog? Do the pseudo-hermaphrodites have brain fog? Did they have cognitive impairments or psychological disorders of any sort? What exactly is brain fog? That such an open-ended and subjective term. Essentially if you feel off in any way you can call it brain fog and attribute it to finasteride.. Do you ever hear men who take 5 mg of proscar for their prostate complain of brain fog?

Did psedo-hermaphrodites start with perfectly normal levels of enzymes and hormones and then suddenly 'f*** sh*t up' with a pharmaceutical drug which broke their 'normal' feedback loops?

I'm tired of idiots bringing up this pseudo-hermaphrodite nonsense because it's totally inapplicable here. They started with broken hormones and feedback loops but it was always 'normal' for them, they didnt alter their hormones / enzymes /feedback loops (or whatever else finasteride breaks for some people) after X years of normal functioning. More and more doctors are starting to back these theories of finasteride f*****g certain people up, studies are being done with conclusive findings, but your emotional investment in the drugs that save your hair cloud your judgment.

The human body is not as simple as you think, It's not the same thing. Shut up already.


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Brain fog, it's an expression for being fatigued mentally the way I see it. It's hard to think clearly when you're in this condition. A lot of things can cause this, not just drugs. One thing is for sure though, hormones play a big role. I felt this way when I had testosterone deficiency, and I'm currently low on estrogen, which makes me feel the same way.


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barcafan said:
Nene said:
Brain fog? Do the pseudo-hermaphrodites have brain fog? Did they have cognitive impairments or psychological disorders of any sort? What exactly is brain fog? That such an open-ended and subjective term. Essentially if you feel off in any way you can call it brain fog and attribute it to finasteride.. Do you ever hear men who take 5 mg of proscar for their prostate complain of brain fog?

Did psedo-hermaphrodites start with perfectly normal levels of enzymes and hormones and then suddenly 'f*ck sh*t up' with a pharmaceutical drug which broke their 'normal' feedback loops?

I'm tired of idiots bringing up this pseudo-hermaphrodite nonsense because it's totally inapplicable here. They started with broken hormones and feedback loops but it was always 'normal' for them, they didnt alter their hormones / enzymes /feedback loops (or whatever else finasteride breaks for some people) after X years of normal functioning. More and more doctors are starting to back these theories of finasteride f****ing certain people up, studies are being done with conclusive findings, but your emotional investment in the drugs that save your hair cloud your judgment.

The human body is not as simple as you think, It's not the same thing. Shut up already.

It sounds like you're the one with some sort of emotional investment here as I'm not the one who got his panties in a bunch attacking or defending this drug. I take the drug and it wasn't a decision I made lightly, I waited 5 years after being prescribed it to finally bite the bullet. I did have some minor sides and i don't intend on taking it forever in case it causes some long term damage. Also I'm not suggesting that some people don't get legitimate sides, perhaps a few who even get them permanently. In other words I'm not some staunch finasteride apologist, I think it is a serious drug and potentially dangerous for some, but also could be very helpful for others. I try my best to stay subjective about this drug. That being said, there are some people who are just hell bent on proving that it is the devil in a pill form and I think "brain fog" is usually a hypochondriac's syndrome and example of this. I don't understand this whole argument that the pseudo-hermaphrodites can't apply to our situation because they haven't had DHT their entire lives but for us it's different because we only cut down on our DHT levels for a few months or years. If denying DHT to your body your ENTIRE life doesn't cause "brain fog," why would it cause brain fog if you cut back on it for a few years? Shouldn't those pseudo-hermaphrodites have been walking around in a foggy haze their whole lives? You could argue that that is the body's initial reaction to adjusting to less DHT but if that was the case the "brain fog" would go away eventually and the body would adjust.


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I believe that the "brain fog" is actually depression; and there have been established a link between the 5Ar enzyme, productions of neurosteriods and their effect on GABA activity in the CNS.

In susceptible individuals, this can produce depression.