breaks over


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so i took a month and half off of xandrox 15% and rogaine 5%. why? because i seemed to have lost all the hair i regrew and a lil more after a year of using it. after 8 months of trying to get it back i decided i needed a break from it. i have read others do this yearly a month break and things work even better afterwards. i just took a month and half off no shdes no nothing.i am on fincar daily also. Now man let me tell you.....this break off minoxidil has been so great....not having to worry about putting it on. or worrying about if the girl im sleepign with can see it or smelll it. not looking forward to it again but i must for the bald is not quite teh beautiful. so now im wondering if 15% at night is enough or should i go all out again and go 15 in the morning and 5 at night? what cha think? or keep going and see if fincar grows more hair( i think it thickened it a lil bit(fincar=2.5 months). im not sure what to do.....really dont want to go back on minoxidil....but i really want my thick hair again...that minoxidil once gave me.


hoping, like it has been said before here Minoxidil is for long term use so it must fit in with your lifestyle.

Maybe try what I do and take a day off minoxidil every week or two.


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i think your missing the point. sorry if i was unclear. minoxidil worked great for me for a year. after that year lost everything. tried 8 months to get what i even remotely had before. no luck. so finally i decided to take a month and so off minoxidil. i heard this "resets" minoxidil "immunity" now after a month and half of breakage im going back on minoxidil. now teh question is should i stay off of it for a lil while longer and just use fincar since it seems to be helping. or should i go on just 15% at night or should i go with 15% and 5% daily? or 15% enough. btw i did not go through a shed through this month and half break.