breast swelling


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hey everyone, i've been using propecia since september, and recently noticed tenderness and swelling right under my right nipple. i'm pretty sure it's early gyno, i saw my general practitioner last week and he said not to worry about it, it's hormonal, and that if it keeps up or gets worse to see a surgeon and have it removed. are there any other options that any of you know about here? the propecia seems to be working, if nothing else it's stopped any more of my hair from falling out, and i'd hate to stop using it. i'm kinda freaked out though, and i'm noticing the tenderness more and more. my Doctor didn't seem too worried, although it was my dermatologist who prescribed it to me, not him, so i'm not sure what to do. unfortunately, i'm down at school again after spring break and it'd take a three-hour drive to ask my dermatologist about it. any advice would be greatly appreciated! thanks!!


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i would take a little breast swelling over hair loss any day. nevertheless, you should probably get it checked out at university health services or something.