Breathing - rogaine foam sideeffect


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guys ive been on rogaine foam for about 2 months now. just the last couple of days ive been getting a slight discomfort when i breathe. its not even that big a thing but its sort of like having asthma. and it only affects me when i take a deep breath, or if i run or if i yawn or laugh. im thinking this might be a rogaine side effect? i was on minoxidil 5% before this but i wasnt that regular with it like ia m now with rogaine foam. plus i think i prob have been using more than recommended. i notice the rogaine boxes finishing quicker than expected.

what do u think i should do? should i keep using it but just slow down and make sure that im not using more than recommended. or should i just give it up for a couple of days? or is this more serious and i should give it up completely?


Nashville Hairline

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Heart palpations are a side effect I had when I used it - is it like that? It was like a small panic attack. Remember minoxidil was originally a drug to treat blood pressure. Take a look at the dosage you are using, from my own experience in the eagerness to see results one can really be putting on too much.


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thx nashville i dont think in my case its heart palpitations. its just on my left side (chest or ribs), kind of like asthma where whne i take a deep breath i feel discomfort. ive looked it up and found that chest pain and trouble breathing are side effects of rogaine so im guessing its that. but ive also just started some new exercises at the gym and im wondering if maybe ive hurt my ribs or chest in the gym and that it has nothing to do with rogaine.


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actually ive been looking up online and i think ive actually bruised my ribs because i seem to have al the symptoms of that. but im just wondering if continuing to use rogaine would make my bruised ribs problem even worse?