Bruised Donor Area 1 Week Before Transplant...Is This Okay?


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Hi Guys,

Right now I'm scheduled with Dr. Rahal for under 2000 grafts next week. I didn't find out about the laxity scalp exercises until recently.

In an attempt to make up for this, I may have applied too much pressure onto the donor area of my scalp. Currently it feels bruised and even a swollen from using too much pressure from the last 2 days.

Is this normal for you guys and should I continue the exercises?

Or is this even safe to get a transplant if I bruised myself 1 week prior. Trying to make sure nothing goes wrong.

I e-mailed one of the reps for Dr. Rahal and waiting for their response (although I don't expect an answer until after the New Years).

Asking this on the board in case somebody knows.


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Its not really important, scalp laxity is a personal characteristic I had 5 ops and never did any of the excercises (and my scalps still loose). I dont think it really works. I would'nt bother and I especially would'nt go to any excessive lengths where it gets uncomfortable.