Bryan - how much DHT would be inhibited taking 0.25mg every


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Hey Bryan, i was just wondering if you know the rough estimate of DHT that would be inhibited taking 0.25mg of propecia every 3 days? How effective will this be compared to taking 1mg every day?

Thx in advance.


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DHT Reduction:

Study 1) 0.2mg is 90% as effectve as 1mg;
61.7% at 0.2mg to 68.7% at 1mg, 61.7/68.7 = 90%

Study 2) 0.2mg is 94% as effectve as 1mg;
53.95% at 0.2mg to 57.56% at 1mg, 53.95/57.56 = 94%

Observed Haircount Increase:

Study 1) 0.2mg is 79% as effective as 1mg;
61 vs 77 increased hair count, 61/77 = 79%

Study 2) 0.2mg is 80% as effective as 1mg;
54.9 vs 68.7 increased hair count, 54.9/68.7 = 80%

Study 1 is from K.D. Kaufman's double-blind controlled studies
Study 2 is the data Merck submitted to the FDA

As you can see, 0.2mg is somewhere between 80% and 90% as effective as 1mg. I would tend to err on the side of 90%, since "Observed Haircount Increase" is a subjective measurement. Further, Sherman Frankel's analysis of the data did not show any "statistically significant difference" at a 95% Confidence Interval. This showed that while the numbers varied somewhat, the errors of estimate were such that 0.2mg and 1mg were not different at all.

Either way---0.2mg is very close to the same results as 1mg, and I would guess that 0.5mg is 100% as effective as 1mg, since 0.5mg is two and one half times the dosage of 0.2mg!!!

Far Too Young

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The equation you're setting up in that last post implies that 1 mg would be about twice as effective as 1 mg. Maybe you've got that brain fog.


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no---it's not a linear relationship---it's logarithmic---

look at the dose-response curve

by the way---most drugs work this way
look at some of the dose-response curves of opiates--eg dilaudid or sufentanyl---just a little dab and your'e ridin' on cloud 99---just a little dab more--and your'e taking a dirt nap forever---that's why anesthesiologists have to understand logarithmic scales of drugs in surgery and how adding just 0.0001 mg more could be potentially fatal


Experienced Member
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Hi guys, okay sorry i messed up and meant to say 0.25mg.

But i was asking how effective taking 0.25mg every 3 days, would be compared to taking 1mg daily.

bryan and ideas?


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don't take finasteride once every 3 days. it has a short half life and there won't be enough in your system to have proper effect, especially at 0.25mg. just take 0.25mg every day and you'll be fine. or if u wanna get more aggressive, use 0.5 or 1mg. but try using it every day.


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cassin, ive tried searching on this site for like 3 hours and couldnt find the info i was asking for.


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the reason is because they don't know

bryan nor cassin has performed clinical trials of propecia at any dose, and thus have no information on what would happen if you took every 3 days

bottom line---if you can't take 0.25mg daily of finasteride, then you probably shouldn't be taking it at all

merck and most of the members on this board all recommend taking finasteride daily!! at this low of a dose (0.25mg), you shouldn't be having unbearable problems with side-effects (if any at all). Again, if you DO have side-effects with 0.25mg daily, then this medicine is not for you.


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stax said:
cassin, ive tried searching on this site for like 3 hours and couldnt find the info i was asking for.
Seriously, any search engine that doesn't let you search titles is nearly worthless.

Anyway, I myself have been wondering about the efficacy of taking a small dose of finasteride (a fraction of a mg every day, or one pill every few days or whatever) in hopes that there will be less risk of sides, and that it would be good enough along with my topicals.

Btw, if you want to take a lower dosage than 1mg a day, is it better to take 1mg ever EOD/every few days, or take a fraction of a mg every day?


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Btw, if you want to take a lower dosage than 1mg a day, is it better to take 1mg ever EOD/every few days, or take a fraction of a mg every day?

...and also what is going with sides effects ???


Senior Member
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If its logarithmic then that means I could probably cut .25mg in half and it would still be pretty effective. Do you know how much money Id save? .25mg of regular generic propecia from canada comes out to 7 dollars a month.