Bryan:questionregarding RU58841 & dutasteride


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I know you "know your sh*t",for lack of a better phrase,when it comes to male pattern baldness treatments and I respect your educated opinion.I have roughly a 5 year supply of RU in my possesion and I am considering using the RU in conjunction with one dutasteride pill daily and 2 applications of 5% minoxidil,applied several hours apart from the RU.

I'd like to get some feedback from you on that regimin....
Thanks for your time,


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colin said:
I have roughly a 5 year supply of RU in my possesion...

Damn!! Spread the wealth around a little, comrade! :lol:

colin said:
...and I am considering using the RU in conjunction with one dutasteride pill daily and 2 applications of 5% minoxidil,applied several hours apart from the RU.

I'd like to get some feedback from you on that regimin....

Sounds like a good program to me! God knows you'd have the antiandrogenic arm of your treatment covered, and then the minoxidil as a growth stimulant...maybe the only other thing you might consider is some kind of SOD. Sounds pretty complete.



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Thanks for the prompt reply.So you do belive that the 2 anti-androgens would work in synergy without any foreseeable problems?

Bryan said:
colin said:
I have roughly a 5 year supply of RU in my possesion...

Damn!! Spread the wealth around a little, comrade! :lol:

colin said:
...and I am considering using the RU in conjunction with one dutasteride pill daily and 2 applications of 5% minoxidil,applied several hours apart from the RU.

I'd like to get some feedback from you on that regimin....

Sounds like a good program to me! God knows you'd have the antiandrogenic arm of your treatment covered, and then the minoxidil as a growth stimulant...maybe the only other thing you might consider is some kind of SOD. Sounds pretty complete.



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colin said:
Thanks for the prompt reply.So you do belive that the 2 anti-androgens would work in synergy without any foreseeable problems?

I'm getting the impression that you're worried about the negative reports we've gotten from some dutasteride that correct? Frankly, I don't know what to make of them, either. I can't think of any reasonable explanation for why dutasteride (or a combination of dutasteride and RU) would make your scalp hair WORSE. Those reports are a big mystery to all of us.



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Actually I am just being overcautious,I guess.I haven't been checking these boards in quite a while,can you PLMK,in a nutshell,what the negative reports on dutasteride are all about?

Thanks again,

Bryan said:
colin said:
Thanks for the prompt reply.So you do belive that the 2 anti-androgens would work in synergy without any foreseeable problems?

I'm getting the impression that you're worried about the negative reports we've gotten from some dutasteride that correct? Frankly, I don't know what to make of them, either. I can't think of any reasonable explanation for why dutasteride (or a combination of dutasteride and RU) would make your scalp hair WORSE. Those reports are a big mystery to all of us.



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I went in on a deal w/2 other buyers and got thje RU through Faith Eagle.It cost me just over 5K.

bombscience said:
Where does one get about a 5 year supply of RU?


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colin said:
Actually I am just being overcautious,I guess.I haven't been checking these boards in quite a while,can you PLMK,in a nutshell,what the negative reports on dutasteride are all about?

Some users have reported general thinning, but the most frequent such claim seems to be that it adversely affected their hairlines (thinning or actual recession).

I'm not sure what to make of it.



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RU has still not been proven to be safe. Who knows what kind of systemic absorption would occur and what it would entail. I'd rather stick with the tested substances.

Bryan -- do you know of any studies on RU pending or forthcoming in this regard?



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drinkrum said:
RU has still not been proven to be safe. Who knows what kind of systemic absorption would occur and what it would entail. I'd rather stick with the tested substances.

Here's something on this issue that I posted recently on another hairloss site:

For a few days now, I've been fretting over whether or not to say anything about this. I didn't want to alarm anybody unnecessarily, but now I feel a duty to report this in a simple journalistic fashion, because a growing number of people are now using RU. The following statement was made by Dr. Hideo Uno in a recent email to my friend TAGOHL (he posts on hairsite)...since TAGOHL himself posted this recently on hairsite, I feel it's ok to post it here, too:

"RU58841, topical formulation, is not entirely safe; if application continued too much, anti-androgenic effect appears. This was done in pregnant rabbit, topical application of RU58841 produced demascularization of pups. No data available in male pattern baldness human. My studies on monkeys showed no shrinkage of the prostate (by MRI) but reduction of lobular size occurred in the seminal vesicles."

Needless to say, I'm a bit surprised by this statement. The available studies on RU58841 (trust me, I have almost ALL of them) show very little systemic side-effects from topical RU58841. But Dr. Uno seems to think that it _may_ produce systemic effects, if the dose is large enough. My purpose here is not to alarm anybody, but to make sure that we all know as much as possible about this drug...

drinkrum said:
Bryan -- do you know of any studies on RU pending or forthcoming in this regard?

No, I sure don't. I generally only catch wind of them after they come out, and I spot them on PubMed, or as a reference in another study. If any of you find a study which looks interesting for us male pattern baldness sufferers, by all means send me the citation and I'll add it to my "Get List"! :)



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colin said:
I went in on a deal w/2 other buyers and got thje RU through Faith Eagle.It cost me just over 5K.

bombscience said:
Where does one get about a 5 year supply of RU?

How do you know it's going to stay potent for 5 years?


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Colin, I don't think it's too good of an idea of having a 5 year supply sitting around. From what i've heard from faith eagle, it's more like 2 years tops.. So I'd check up on that if I were you.

You've been using RU for several months haven't you? How has it gone so far?

I also agree with the fact that RU is *not* completely safe. You have to really watch out..