Bryan's Pics

Side Show Bob

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I understand Bryan posted some pics on this site. I can't seem to locate them, for some reason.

Can someone provide a link or directions. Thanks.


Experienced Member
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Wow, though images are old. I would love to see where he is now with his results. But I don't think he has hair on top anymore.


Established Member
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If a transplant surgeon looked at those pictures they would salivate. Bryan could have that spot completely eliminated with a minor scalp reduction just in back, and he could be done with hairloss and never bother posting anymore. The fact that he's trying to do it without surgery is to the benefit of those who he has helped. But if I were Bryan I would have a minor scalp reduction, a few grafts, and start going to singles bars and never post here again.


Established Member
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ACT10Npack said:
Wow, though images are old. I would love to see where he is now with his results. But I don't think he has hair on top anymore.

I seem to recall that bryan stated in a post not so long ago that his hair is pretty much the same....