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This doesn't have a lot to do with hair loss but I am wondering if anyone in the US knows of a good multivitamin that actually disolves in your stomach and actually is absorbed by the body?? I did a test on Centrum that a friend of mine at my gym told me about and they didn't disove at all!! Put the vitamin in vinager for 30 minutes see what happens....if nothing then the vitamin is too tightly bonded and can't absorb well into the body you just crap out a perfectly new but smelly pill.
8O 8O


Ha! :rockon:

I remember doing the vinegar test on various multivitamins a few years ago and was suprised by how many held together (not good).

if you can find a non bonded (powder in a capsule) type multi, you will be off to a good start.

I use Solgar Formula VM-75

drop it in your vinegar, gone in 10 minutes!

:rockon: :rockon: :freaked: :rockon: :freaked2: :laugh: :rockon: :smoke: :freaked2: :rockon:


my regime

Proscar 1.25mg
minoxidil 5% morning and evening
Nizoral shampoo every 3 days

L-Lysine 3g taken on empty stomach (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
L-Carnitine 1g taken on empty stomach (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg daily
Ginkgo 6000mg daily (120mg extract)
Biotin 3mg daily (spread through the day)
MSM lignisul 6000mg daily (spread through the day)
Vitamin C 3000mg (esther C) (spread through the day)
Vitamin E 1000 iu daily
Multivitamin Solgar Formula VM75
Multiminiral Solgar Pure Amino Acid Chelated
Green Tea 3-5 cups daily
Cod Liver Oil 1000mg daily
Resveratrol 250 mg daily

L-Arginine (taken with antioxidant) 3g taken on empty stomach before bed (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
L-Ornithine 3g taken on empty stomach before bed (cycled 6 weeks on 2 off)
Meltatonin 3 mg before bed (cycled 3 days on 3 days off)

one hundred brown onions (topical)
sex with the neighbours
half an hour of dog baiting (cycled 3 days on 3 days off)
35 minutes 'mind games' with the guy in the chemist shop
lashings of hot custard 2 x daily (topical)
bible study (daily)
cussin' (daily)
starring in the mirror convincing myself that I can see new velus hair that has aways been there but never noticed (2/3 hours) (daily)
sacrifice to various hair gods (chicken 2 x daily)
hair poetry (2 sonnets daily)
homemade cat hair and wood glue mix (topical)
5 bum onions (suppository bulb vegatable)