C4 Cellucor or NO3 Chrome


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I started to take this and I was thinking I had a allergic reaction. My body was tingling. Found out that it's normal. Did a search on here and found are good friend Squeegee was already on it.

Found NO3 Chrome. I'm wondering if you did some timing you might see results. Meaning if your in a fasted state (in the morning when you wake up) you take some vitamins that promote hair growth with Minoxidil and NO3 then wound your your head (ice pack, self myofascial release, or LLLT) this should increase blood flow to that area. or wound then take supplements.

Yeah I know. but take some of this stuff then talk to me.


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do not take c4 cellucor because it is contain creatine
if you want a good no booster take nox3 it is good and i am using it with 500 mg of vitamin c on empty stomach before launch


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Thanks. And yes it has creatine. I only use this 3 times a week so I'm not sure if it effects hair that much.

The point was the expansion of veins and blood flow in a fasted state. My plan was to take my vitamins then wound my head to trigger healing to that area. No crazy wounding like DM. Just an idea. Wondering if anyone had thoughts.


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Thanks. And yes it has creatine. I only use this 3 times a week so I'm not sure if it effects hair that much.

The point was the expansion of veins and blood flow in a fasted state. My plan was to take my vitamins then wound my head to trigger healing to that area. No crazy wounding like DM. Just an idea. Wondering if anyone had thoughts.

Many things can dilate your blood vessels. NO3 is much too expensive to waste on that. Just use some straight Niacin if you want that to happen. I have used many many pre-workouts and I always come back to C4, love it. The creatine nitrate is negligible and there's NO studies saying creatine causes hair loss, only a few linking it to increased DHT in athletes. It's highly unlikely that using is in a pre-workout will effect your hair. Anyway, supplementing something for dilation is really not necessary if you are wounding.