Caffeine Therapy


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I found this to be very popular in Europe when I was there last fall. Ever since I keep ordering the Alpecin Caffeine Liquid that I use every morning. Even though I didn't regrow a lot of hair my hair loss slowed down A LOT but what I noticed the most is that my hair got REALLY thick (I've always had very thin hair).

I have not yet found this in any US store, but they sell it e.g. on Ebay: ... 500wt_1182

Anyone else got any experience with this?


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In Europe Alpecin caffeine products are really popular but they are not for regrowth... Alpecin can slow down or stop hair loss, make your hair thicker, and keep your hair on head :)


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Well i can vouch that Alpecin DOES make your hair a lot thicker!
Can't say that it causes regrowth though as i haven't noticed but the shampoo or liquid does help as i say with your hairs thickness!


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It's one of those things that you have to wait a few months to see any results unfortuanatly.
Keep at it and the thickness will be noticable but like i said i haven't experienced any regrowth?


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I stopped using my caffeinated shampoo 2 months ago and have been using a small amount of miconazole nitrate (MN) cream 2% every few days. At first I was using it daily but I began to shed and I felt that it was accentuating my mild gyno. I have stopped using MN, but the shedding continues.

Caffeine shampoo imo halts shedding and may slow hairloss a little.

Has anyone used crushed caffeine pills (200mg) in their shampoos with some effect?

How much do I use?

I used to put 1.5 tablespoons into my previous shampoo, but that was when I had caffeine powder (caffeine andryhdous powder or whatever its called)