CALCIUM D-GLUCARATE to combat Gyno Caused by finasteride/Duta?


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Hey dudes,

so I've been getting fantastic results from the big-3 (sub finasteride for Avodart) but at the 5 month mark I'm starting to get Gyno. This isn't fatty tissue but actual small clumps forming behind my nips. It's not noticeible at this point (unless you feel) but I want to stop it if I can.

I've been reading that CALCIUM D-GLUCARATE is found in some vegitables and can help balance hormones and minimize estrogen.

If you're knowledgeable in this area let me know your opinions on if I should take a CALCIUM D-GLUCARATE supplement along with my Avodart and if it would have a chance at minimizing getting huge f-ing man tits.