Hi, I got a scalp biopsy a couple months ago and the results came in that I had a "normal scalp" with "subtle features of Alopecia Areata." I previously suspected Androgenetic Alopecia due to diffuse thinning, but after receiving a diagnosis of Alopecia Areata I've read that it can present in a diffuse pattern. Would the scalp biopsy also have determined whether or not I have Androgenetic Alopecia or can you not diagnose Androgenetic Alopecia by doing a scalp biopsy? I just want to make sure that I just have AA and not Androgenetic Alopecia as well. I mean, I know you can tell if someone has Telogen Effluvium or one of the scarring alopecias, but can you even tell if it's Androgenetic Alopecia? Hopefully someone knows the answer to this. Thanks.