Can Chronic Telogen Eflluvium Cause Receding Hairline?


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Hey, I'm a 19 year old male who has noticed my hair thinning for about 3 years. All throughout my teenage hood I've been dealing with overbearing parents and a very dysfunctional family. This lead to me being very stressed at all times and depressed on and off since I was 15. Ever since 15 I've been noticing an extreme amount of shedding but it became the norm and I stopped caring about it. At about age 17 i started noticing my hairline receding and soon noticed that the hair along my neck, the crown and on the sides in front of my ears were thin af. Now I'm at a point where my hair is thin all over and my hairline is really bad for someone my age. I thought this was male pattern baldness for the longest but now I have no doubt in my mind that its Chronic Telogen Eflluvium caused by stress and maybe diet. I'm going to move out of my parents house soon which should finally end the stress. Will my hairline come back with the rest of my hair after im finished with this bullshit? I do have a few family members that are balding but it never started this soon. Could the Telogen Effluvium have onset male pattern baldness and what does that mean? I just want to know if I'll get my hairline back.


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Based on the fact that you have no family history of male pattern baldness, it's very possible you have CTE. Sounds like the stress factor never got eliminated. Try to also talk to a mental health professional once you move out if you can.