can eucapil regrow hair?


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hi, i am asking this becouse ppl say propecia dont drow hair but when i first used this it stopped the hairloss and i gain many volume and hair. can eucapil regrow more hair? or just stop hair loss? how are you guys with this? success?


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9 weeks, so far no shedding.
Since it's antiandrogen, it's mainly for maintance.

If Propecia is doing its job for you, I think that for regrowth you better add the foam or DNC, although you can still add Eucapil if you think that the finasteride need some help.


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It should thicken existing hairs.

Since FLuridil leaves your hair in an environment free of androgens atacking the hair follicle, your existing hair should thicken up and grow normally.

Just like people get thickening of existing hair on finasteride, Fluridil should do the same.

But new regrowth you would most likely need a growth stimulant.


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I agree. It will thicken existing hair but don't expect it to regrowth hair in bald areas.


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hi, thancks for the replies! i have ordered eucapil but it didnt arrive here. i am waiting. yeah is that my ideia of this product. i am using finasteride, but after 2 years of use, and some swiths of types of finasteride, propecia, proscar, generic proscar, i know that the better one for me is the real propecia, the other dont do their job so well. but even propecia now is not doing all it can do... maybe i am "programed" to loose more hair now that i am old. when i run my hands in my hair in the beggining of the day comes always 3 four hairs in my hands. and then stops or come only one or two. i think propecia is slowing the process but dont old it alone anymore. i still have have hairs and have always new one coming, but the density is very worst right now and the new hairs are more thin. i think since i am able to produce new hairs if i start with eucapil the hair will increase his deametre and become more strong. and the hairs that i alreaddy have will be more protected againts the dht. and the results will be more density of hairs that will give the image that i am growing new hairs isnt it?