Can finasteride CAUSE hairloss?


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Judging by many of the posts on this board, it would appear that finasteride may actually increase hairloss in some cases. Some have said to have shedded hair which has never grown back.

My theory is, if one does not respond to the drug, their hairloss is worsened. Why? Because they go through classic initial shed everyone goes through when first taking the drug but, due to the fact that they are not a good responder, that hair is left forever lost. Could this be the case?


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First of all, generally the posts here proclaiming finasteride caused increased hair loss are from people who have been on finasteride for a very short period of time or are going through a bad shed. The only real thing you can rely on is the data. You cannot view this board as an indictator of a product's results. Most of the time people who respond get on with their life and leave this board behind thus leaving a residual population of people who have not responded as well.

Secondly, A finasteride shed will generally grow back regardless of whether the product has worked for someone or not. Hair that is lost during a shed is only temporairly lost and will eventually come back. What you have to be concerned about is whether or not the hair will come back stronger, or weaker. I've heard allot about people experiencing terrible finasteride side-effects but hardly ever have I heard concrete testimonies that finasteride truly didn't work.