I have an autoimmune disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and I asked my endo the same question about finasteride causing it and he said NO. I seriously doubt minoxidil would do it either since it is topical. They say most autoimmune diseases are caused by a virus that lay dormant in our bodies and stress can activate these virus cells and your body will attack the tissue or organ where the virus cells lay dormant. Another doctor feels that people who live close to nuclear plants may be more vulnerable to autoimmune disorders as well. Stress can bring on the attack and it sounds like you stress about your hair and the side effects of finasteride and minoxidil so it makes sense that you could have an autoimmune disorder. I have read to reverse autoimmune disease you must do the following: lower your stress, avoid caffeine, avoid alcohol, restrict your sugar and carbohydrate intake, avoid foods made with gluten( this is the hardest one to do since so many foods have gluten), and exercise regularly. Basically a diet of just lean meats, organic fruits and vegetables and some gluten free grains along with exercise should help alot. Maybe this is why people who follow all these rules stay healthier than those who don't. However genetics does play a large role in autoimmune disease so if you are genetically inclined for the disease chances are you will get it. With a good diet you can control it fairly well but sometimes medications are necessary.