Can FOLLIGEN Be Applied To The Entire Scalp?

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I'm a diffuse thinner and was wondering if you can apply Folligen to the entire scalp rather then just parts of it. Would you recoomend this? Good idea? Bad Idea? Why? Any insight will be appreciated.

I aslo herd that if you stop using Folligen for whatever reason, you start losing your hair twice as fast as opposed to when you were never using it at all. True?



Senior Member
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Sure why not? I am sure a lot of people do this but I only use it on my areas that get irritated.

Fall out twice as fast? I doubt it. I have never read that. If you had irritation that was solved by Folligen I could see that happening I suppose.


Senior Member
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I don't see why you couldn't aplly it to the entire scalp.

Quitting any hairloss regimen will most likely result in a heavy shed.


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I dont think you have to apply to the entire scalp. these products have a way of spreading and being effective in those areas not directly applied to.
That way you wont use too much. Just spread evenly over scalp.