can hairloss due to anti-depressants (Telogen Effluvium) cause inflammation


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I don't think your question is very clear. Can you rephrase?

I am also considering taking antidepressants, but I'm not sure yet. So I, too, am interested in its effects on hair loss.

I don't think they can cause inflammation, though. Are you basing your question on something you read? Can you provide a link or a quote?


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No, not something I read. I had been taking anti-depressants since I was 16, and I stopped about a month ago. My derm suggested that I stop the anti-depressants and propecia, and see if maybe my hair will grow back. If it does, then it would likely mean that I had an episode of telogen effluvium, which anti-depressants have been known to cause.

So, my question had less to do with anti-depressants than with the side effects of Telogen Effluvium. Though, it doesnt seem that many people here know much about it.

I think that sums it up. Im just not sure, because inflammation has been linked to male pattern baldness, but I havent heard much about a correlation betwene inflammation and Telogen Effluvium. I cant find anything when searching either.

I guess im just wishing that I am simply suffering Telogen Effluvium, and I think thats what my derm is hoping is the case too.


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That's where I was confused. You mentioned two things, Telogen Effluvium and inflammation, and I believe they are two separate things.

I don't know either, but I have read that antidepressants can lead to hair loss, and that stopping those antidepressants can allow your hair to grow back, IF that is the cause.

Sorry I can't help. Though, you could tell us what your hair loss is like. Maybe it is in the Story section.

I would try stopping the antidepressant and sticking with propecia. Chances the antidepressants are the culprit. Depends how long you've been on propecia, maybe.


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Telogen effluvium consists of a "sudden phase shift" from anagen to telogen of a significant percentage of one's hair. Normally about 10% of one's hair is in the telogen phase. In Telogen Effluvium, the percentage of hairs that are in telogen rarely exceeds 50%. This condition is NON-INFLAMMATORY.


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Thanks, asolof.

My hairloss is only in the crown area, and i have read about people losing their hair due to Telogen Effluvium in the crown and hairline areas, so I was just hoping. The inflammation could be due to psoriasis, since i certainly have that on some parts of my scalp, but im going to definitely stick with the propecia.
Like they say, if it looks and feels like male pattern baldness...

Anyway, thanks for the replies guys, and if youre serious elguapo about anti-depressants, i had some luck with Lexapro. I stopped taking like i said because it possibly contributed to hairloss, but i think that it was helping me, a little. However, i did have a decrease in sex drive while on it.

Im sure it was the anti-depressant causing the sex drive decrease, because there was a period of about 2 weeks between propecia and Lexapro, and i definitely had my sex drive return in those two weeks before stopping propecia.