can i get a h/t with only 10 hair grafts?


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or drs wont do it??
its been confirmed its a bald spot i got with no hair from a chemical reaction theres baby hairs


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First of all, are you sure it won't grow back? Second, I don't think it's that big a deal, certainly not worth the money and hassle of surgery. Lots of guys have small bald spots from scars so I don't think you should be insecure about it. However If you feel you must, I'm sure it can be done.


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im almost 100% sure it wont grow back theres a few hairs in the bald spot but ill give it a month or 2 and if it dosnt come back ill probley get a 10graft procedure just to see how the fue h/t works becuase i want to get a h/t in the future