
Can I regrow hair?

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Hi people.

I have a question, I'm a young man 18 years old.. I started notice changes in my hair at 17, since then I've been reading, learning and understand MBP.

In the past 6 months I've noticed changes all over my scalp, texture going from thick to thin rapidly all over my scalp! I also see a lot of thin hairs mixed with "normal" hairs only on my scalp! It is only noticeable to others in bright lights and when my hair is wet..
This is depressing me so much, because my hair used to be very thick, and my hair on the sides and back are of course still very thick, so it looks messed up :(! Hairline is Norwood 1,5 (progressing to a NW2)
Can you guys recommend anything? What would be good, am I to young for finansteride?

Really hope for some help as this is shooting my self esteem and confidence to the bottom :( I'm not even an adult yet!


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Honestly man I feel ur pain.. At the moment I'm a NW1.5 and thinning near the hairline and back but I'm only 19. I've been doing a lot of research on what to do. For you I would definitely, like previously stated, get a good quality keto shampoo. Theoretically Nizoral would be good (especially the 2% which you can find on certain websites still) but Mizoral has a lot of sulfates that will dry your hair and the last thing you want with thinning hair is to make the appearance and volume even worse. I would suggest Lipogaine Shampoo. Basically the same keto and it has much better ingredients that will make your hair look better and have more volume.

Other than that you want to see your doctor and once your completely done with puberty it should be a better idea to start finasteride.

I wouldn't just hope on Minoxidil until you understand the risks it has because that is a lifetime commitment.

hope that helps


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My Regimen
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get on finasteride 1.25mg a day. This will stop your hair loss. Next time you get your haircut ask for shorter on the sides and blending with your thinner areas. Your hair loss sounds very minor from your description. Try combing your hair to the side and back or to the side from now on and see how you like it. Very minor thinning can easily be covered with a proper hair cut. Also, get Toppik volumizing shampoo & conditioner. Your hair after you do these two things will look perfect, even before any actual treatments. The finasteride might grow back your hair over the next two years. finasteride will turn all those thin hairs back into normal sized ones if you are an average or above average responder.
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Thanks for all the replies!
I've just ordered lipogaine shampoo with keto + minoxidil 5%, still not sure if I'm ready to mess with my hormones from finasteride.. because of my age, but I'll most likely do it if the hairloss progress into something I can't deal with.
What is the diffrence between dutasteride,proscar,finansteride it's like a whole new thing for me.. getting kinda confused..
By the way what do you guys mean with minoxidil is a lifetime commitment, is it like if I stop minoxidil I'll loose crazy amounts of hair?


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1. Dutasteride is only prescribed for bph, and is used off label for hair loss. It blocks both types of testorone > dht conversions thereby reducing dht more than finasteride.
Proscar is finasteride. It is the 5 mg version of it. 5 mgs is used to treat bph. Hair loss sufferers split the pill into fours to make it closer to the 1 mg treatment for hair loss. It's just cheaper and more logical to do it this way.

Lifetime commitment means you need to continue using the medication to keep your hair. You will end up spending thousands of dollars over your life time to maintain the hair that you have.

Don't plan on regrowing hair. Especially if you don't use finasteride. Without finasteride your hair will fall out over time.


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finasteride will regrow hair and you wont be bald for life. finasteride + minoxidil + nizoral + hair transplants = great hair for life.
But ask yourself. Do you really want to alter hormones before your even 20?
If anyone on here tells you hormone altering is good for your health, then hell with them. Its good for hair,
but not health. So figure out your priorities.

Good post. I personally would use minoxidil and nizoral until your are at least 21. See your doctor and see what he or she thinks.


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Forget the Nizoral and Minoxidil. Find a keto shampoo with natural ingredients like regenepure. Minoxidil doesn't get to the root of the problem, and is quite useless. Throw in a dermaroller and coconut oil too.

I use regenepure. Is it really that much better than nizoral? Do you really think dermarolling and coconut oil get to the root of the problem more than minoxidil? Does coconut oil really do anything except smell good? These are all real questions, not just me giving you crap.


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Nizoral has harsh sulfates. I have never used sulfate shampoos for the past 3 years, so it is a big deal for me. Coconut + dermarolling probably help to some degree. The only good thing is that it is side effect free for sure. And even if it doesn't stabilize hair loss, it will at least improve the quality of your scalp and skin right?

I might try it then. My scalp has suffered since I started treatments. Where do you get your coconut oil from? When do you use it? How often do you dermaroll?


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Thanks dude. Maybe it will help with scalp itch and dryness.