Can Microneedling Increase Hair Loss At All?


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Is there ANY downsides to microneedling? Shock loss? Stabbing follicles to death? Anything?

I have psoriasis so my scalp is kinda fucked, and they say not to microneedle if you have a scalp condition. Should I be worried?


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Perhaps microneedling isn't an option for you if you have psoriasis....

Maybe needle where you aren't breaking out?


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I would look in to oral minoxidil, 2.5 or 5mg once a day if you can't use topical.

Heinrich Harrer

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Is there ANY downsides to microneedling? Shock loss? Stabbing follicles to death? Anything?

I have psoriasis so my scalp is kinda fucked, and they say not to microneedle if you have a scalp condition. Should I be worried?

Psoriasis or seb dermatitis? Try Elocon, it’s a cream that works well for psoriasis. Micro needling can damage hair follicles and leave scar tissue if you overdo it. Start with 0,5mm eod or twice a week. I am an amazing responder to all treatments but sides kill me. Dermarolling filled my “bald” areas with a thin, tint, white fuzz. I’m a Norwood 1 in disguise now but I look bald (nw5-6 in classic Norwood charts). I sincerely doubt anyone can regrow terminal hair in bald areas with dermarolling but to answer the question “does it work?” Yes it does.


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What are the sides from oral?

I haven't gotten any sides yet, but expect the same sorts of sides as liquid/foam, dark eyes, bloated face. Also make sure your blood pressure and heart rate are fine, but like i said, i have experienced no sides with 5mg taken at night. I use retin-a and dermaroll on my face, im not sure about links between collagen and minoxidil but better to be safe than sorry, plus there is nothing wrong with looking after your skin in general.
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