Can Most People Tell You Had A Hair Transplant?


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if you get a professional hair transplant to completely re-shape, add temple points and lower your hairline what do you think the general consensus is? Do you think everybody will notice it somewhat, like Will everybody be able to tell you obviously had work done to your hairline ? Or do you think if it's done by an expert and you spent a pretty penny nobody will notice and just think you have amazing hair?


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People will notice if it's a major reconstruction of your hair line, crown or frontal third. If it's a minor hair transplant at the temples and slight hairline work or just reinforcement, people might not notice. The bigger the change, the more likely it is that you'll get questions obviously


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Put it this way, you wont be able to hide the fact that you had a transplant unless you are allowed to wear a hat every where you go, including within the workplace.

Bernard Yong

I have a friend who did a transplant and it looked really natural. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't be able to tell.


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I think that very often nobody can tell. Unless you have a really aggressive change in your appearance most people don't notice. Also, it grows in so slowly unless someone's really paying attention to you they wouldn't even think about it. A lot of the threads I see Here show very large sessions but especially small to medium size sessions can be hard to detect.


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Put it this way, you wont be able to hide the fact that you had a transplant unless you are allowed to wear a hat every where you go, including within the workplace.
Really hair transplants are that obvious?


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Are you talking about post-op or just in general?

Pretty much everyone will know you've had a hair transplant directly post-op because your scalp will be a shaved, red mess with hair of different density and length.

Nobody should know when the final results arrive. Most normal people certainly won't, maybe a trained transplant spotter. It should look natural but that depends on the quality of the work.


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I have a friend who did a transplant and it looked really natural. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't be able to tell.
That's the end result. In the first few months it will be much harder to hide unless you wear a hat everywhere or cover up the recipient with layers of hair from elsewhere