Can Saw Palmetto cause dental problems?


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I'm taking Saw Palmetto 320mg 85/95% 7 days and i'm noticing dental problems..
My teeth is very sensitive and the dentist can't find something.

Is there anyone with the same symptoms? Is this possible?

Can i quit SP now without shedding..

Help me please,

Greetings Japser


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Jasper, I'm not sure if SP will do that or not... no clue either way.

Could there be any other triggers that you've just started eating/drinking? I noticed my teeth getting sensitive after drinking LOTS of diet soda each day. After I started using sensitivity toothpaste and flossing every night, the sensitivity has all but gone away. I really think that the flossing helped the most.


I just wanted to add that when I say my teeth were sensitive, they were REALLY sensitive. My front teeth would get sharp pains when drinking room temperature water! I couldn't bite into an apple or eat anything hot or cold. If you look up the sensitivity to heat symptom, there are some really scary things that are potential causes. Luckily, after starting to floss each night, my teeth stopped hurting and have been fine for the past few years. I'm pretty OCD about oral hygiene now. Do you grind your teeth at night?


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I do! But my frontal up teeth is pushing my frontal down teeth since 2 days.. 5 days after i started saw palmetto.. And my teeth are very sensitive. i can't eat because of this. Is quiting sp after 1 week damaging for my hair?


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My guess would be that it's something else causing the sensitivity. However, if you suspect SP, you should definitely stop in the meantime to see if the symptoms disappear. Like Cob984 said, 1 week isn't very long, so there shouldn't be a problem doing that.

Just remember that there's a chance the sensitivity could go away by itself. So if it does stop after quitting SP, don't automatically assume it was the SP.

Also, if you grind your teeth at night, you should look into wearing a mouth guard before going to bed!!



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I will stop SP to see if there will be a difference. Yes! i grind my teeth at night due stress :S. If it's over i'll start again at 160mg and if i noticed nothing i will go to 320 again. Thank you guys for your help..!