Can somebody help with advice on hair IMPLANTS?


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Hi all,
Just wondering if somebody could clear this up for me. Here in Australia we have a place called Advanced Hair (i think they're in a few countrys around the world). They have this 'stand by strand' thing. From what I understand about it, they basically implant artificial hair into your scalp. It falls out over time and gets replaced. I've look thru this website and can't find any comments on it. I did read some web articles that said this sort of thing got banned years ago because infections where very common. Is this true? Am I on the correct track with what Advanced Hair are doing? Anybody point me in the right direction for further information??

Thanks guys


I can say that most people on here would say that AHS are a complete bunch of rip off merchants. I would stay well clear of these if you don't want to look like a doll. Why don't you just get FUE done. That's more of less strand by strand. + it's permenant.


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They sew a crappy hair piece into your head. I read about it in a health magazine. 2 different approaches gained popularity a few years ago.

1.) Sewing the toupee on with surgical sutures. This caused chronic infections with most people, who were given antibiotics until they could no longer tolerate them, at which point the hair piece had to be removed.

2.) Implanting metal clips into your head, which would attach to the hairpiece. Most people's bodies rejected the metal clips, so they had them take anti-rejection drugs to combat it.

Both ways left a lot of people with ugly scarred up scalps and were banned from the US and most european nations.

So stay away from that place.


Established Member
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stand by strand is a polite fashionable way of saying "WIG"

hair club for men call it the biomatrix strand by strand, and i was like you
in thinking some how they were going to put strands of hair on my head

no no no, i made a huge mistake....ITS A WIG

they are all salespeople who are after your money, they make you pay first and dont even explain the whole thing, they make it sound great and
an easy solution

bad news dude, i would say FUE is the way, wish i did


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thanks for the repltys guys. yeah, they way the sell it makes it sound like they're putting individual strands into your scalp. Obviously not the case. Cheers for the responses