
Can Somebody Tell Me More About A Maturing Hairline?


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Hi, I was really worried that my hairline might be receding and I'm currently taking finasteride 1mg a day.
I'm 18 years old and I've heard that this is actually a very normal time to see some natural recession in the hairline or 'maturing hairline'
the only trouble is I cant seem to find any examples of a maturing hairline online that seem to be very clear.

I'll explain what I'm experiencing. I don't loose much hair (as in I don't find it on my pillows in the morning besides the odd 1 or 2 strands) but that might be because i'm now taking finasteride. But my hairline doesn't get any higher the most noticeable characteristic about it is that the vertices of my hairline have got deeper, but not higher. There's not really a sign of and forming 'M shape' 'V Shape'

So if someone could explain what a maturing hairline is supposed to look like, or even include some images, that would be a big help ;)


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okay first up, a maturing hairline is actual hairloss. Many men seem to recede during their twenties and stop for a few decades and then go onto thin more at a later age (I'd say this is the case with the vast majority of 'mature hairlines' never just stops, slow spurts of recession over the decades is likely to follow). Here is an example of a 'mature hairline'. One of the leaders in hair transplant and owns one of the biggest hairloss blogs claims that Johnny Depp does not suffer from genetic balding when its so obvious he does, so that just gives you an idea how much you have you to take this whole 'mature hairline' as a grain of salt.


See that very mild recession in the corners, see the strong frontal portion? In my opinion if we are really going to call a mature hairline anything, it should be characterized by a very strong frontal portion and recession occurring only along the sides of the hairline but not in the middle (the current definition seems to suggest the hairline recedes evenly backwards about an inch which I think is an absolute crock of sh!t). This occurred with my dad, its occurred with his dad and now its occurring to me. Basically minor frontal recession at the sides whilst keeping the frontal portion and no signs of hair loss on the crown anywhere. Effectively a full head of hair at most angles but no doubt rocking some obvious recession too. You need to look at your history to have an idea where you might end up.


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I think a mature hairline just simply means you don't have a juvenile hairline any more. Juvenile hairlines can persist throughout a person's life if they are genetically gifted. However, most people develop a mature hairline in their 20's. male pattern baldness usually is not fully diagnosed until you reach NW3 status since NW2 represents the mature hairline.


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I think a mature hairline just simply means you don't have a juvenile hairline any more. Juvenile hairlines can persist throughout a person's life if they are genetically gifted. However, most people develop a mature hairline in their 20's. male pattern baldness usually is not fully diagnosed until you reach NW3 status since NW2 represents the mature hairline.

Do you think this looks like a maturing hairline? 14139497_1725173137747856_354806631_o.jpg 14139169_1725173184414518_1318431285_o.jpg


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"Mature hairline" is a state of denial bruh. You have male pattern baldness. Accept it and continue to medicate


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It's when your hairline is higher in the forehead and you no longer have those round temples like you did when you were a boy.


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The whole term and idea behind a mature hairline is honestly vague and stupid. Most men get one is the extent of the explanation you will ever find even though numerous men dont ever get one like tom cook at apple is 55 and no recession at all.
Nothing ever gets better as you age. I would never recede to Norwood 2 and pretend its going to magically freeze in place like that for the next decades because well most men seem to stop there. What if it doesnt? we dont even know how male pattern baldness is even inherited or hardly anything at all honestly but your going to trust their explanation that most men male pattern baldness stops by itself? I guess it could, but I see a ton of guys where it kept going


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okay first up, a maturing hairline is actual hairloss. Many men seem to recede during their twenties and stop for a few decades and then go onto thin more at a later age (I'd say this is the case with the vast majority of 'mature hairlines' never just stops, slow spurts of recession over the decades is likely to follow). Here is an example of a 'mature hairline'. One of the leaders in hair transplant and owns one of the biggest hairloss blogs claims that Johnny Depp does not suffer from genetic balding when its so obvious he does, so that just gives you an idea how much you have you to take this whole 'mature hairline' as a grain of salt.


See that very mild recession in the corners, see the strong frontal portion? In my opinion if we are really going to call a mature hairline anything, it should be characterized by a very strong frontal portion and recession occurring only along the sides of the hairline but not in the middle (the current definition seems to suggest the hairline recedes evenly backwards about an inch which I think is an absolute crock of sh!t). This occurred with my dad, its occurred with his dad and now its occurring to me. Basically minor frontal recession at the sides whilst keeping the frontal portion and no signs of hair loss on the crown anywhere. Effectively a full head of hair at most angles but no doubt rocking some obvious recession too. You need to look at your history to have an idea where you might end up.
THAT IS CLASSIC male pattern baldness.

i do believe he medicated to maintain.


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Mature hairlines :rolleyes:

if you are wondering, chances are you are balding.




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Damn Reagan.. Bro had boss status hair until the end. I'm jelly.

Yeah, I always wondered why his hair never got much attention, but it should have, it was amazing. That photo looks to have been taken when he was around 76 or so.... and that's damn impressive. Always wondered if he dyed his hair though.

Pierce Brosnan always struck me as a really good example of a mature hairline with some normal thinning.
