Can someone enlighten me on HM ?? Don't wanna read 45 pages!


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Just give me some cliffs on what it is all about and how it is coming along

How much it will cost

And what exactly it is !!


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Re: Can someone enlighten me on HM ?? Don't wanna read 45 pa

Scoiland said:
Just give me some cliffs on what it is all about and how it is coming along

How much it will cost

And what exactly it is !!

It is taking out a couple of hundred hair follicle cells, cloning them to turn them into an unlimited supply of your own hair and re-injecting the cells with a needle into your scalp.

We don't know how much it will cost yet but the companies producing it have said less than a traditional transplant.

Timescale - 2 years away by the most optimistic estimate, more realistically probably 4 or 5 years away.


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4 or 5 years?? isn´t that a bit optimistic too? ive heard that realistically it should be around 10 years!! but let´s do hope it´ll be around 4-5, fingers crossed!!!!!!!


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well if phase 2 begins this summer, maybe 2010?


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I´ll be happy if it comes out in 10 years, 2016! but really hope not any longer!!!


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MPBWarrior said:
4 or 5 years?? isn´t that a bit optimistic too? ive heard that realistically it should be around 10 years!! but let´s do hope it´ll be around 4-5, fingers crossed!!!!!!!

ICX have siad they are aiming for a 2008 release in the UK if it is confirmed to them that it is unregulated here as they believe it is i.e. doesn't have to go through full phase III trials etc.

But even if it isn't many people are sceptical they will have it ready by 2008 and that 2010 may be more realistic.

Of course if the regulatory agency decides it has to be regulated after all it will be even longer.


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I doubt Merk will let this pass by without trying to "by it off" (lobbyist) as they will lose a sh*t load of money, especially considering it may be less than a traditional hair transplant


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i wish they cud tell us when the phase II trials are starting and a realistic release date. im sure they have an idea.


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I don't think they know for certain, either. Things change. There is so much overhead involved with clinical trials.

I participated in a clinical trial for a topical unrelated to hair loss. It was a preclinical trial, before the Phase I trial, for an intial saftey assessment, as well as efficacy, I suppose. I was the first one to try the topical under the offical trial, though others have tried it as well - it was a topical used for something else before.

Anyway, I had to visit the doctor on days 1, 4, 15, and 30. You'd think that it would be easy to schedule time such that I would be able to travel just 30 minutes to see the Doctor, and the Doctor would be available as well, for those 4 days. But it wasn't, and this pushed the start date (day 0) 2 months from when I first called them.

So let's say that their criteria for "Phase II trials have begun" means that all 20 or so patients have recieved the treatment, from which point on they just have to wait. Well, that's 20 people that they have to coordinate with.

Oddly enough, it's a task just to get the damn thing going, and not just because of the science. Dennis Miller said it best - we are all just a bunch of ants with beepers. Chaotic, and it's hard to plan things and keep those plans when we do.

I hope they begin by the end of this month, but I'll be happy if they start by the end of the year. That's not too far off.