Can someone recommend me a good Equol supplement &...


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Hi, I read Equol is a good natural antiandrogen. Can someone with knowledge about Equol tell me what's the effective dosage for hair loss and a good supplement brand that sells it? Thanks


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Just use finasteride instead. Cheaper, and FAR more reliable.


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YES, USE finasteride FOR HAIR LOSS.

If a Equol pharmaceutical could be developed then that might be cool cause it would directly disable DHT and not inhibit the 5AR enzyme like finasteride does. That is different and might have less sides better results!

With all that said, the point Bryan is not stressing concerning Equol is that humans should be eating diets that stimulate Equol production not just for the sake of producing Equol, but for heavens sake have you seen the reasearch that shows how healthy this diet IS! They are superior to the average American diet in terms of health benefits and longevity. An added bonus of this diet is you guessed it Equol.

Even if your not a producer of Equol studies suggest that you can become one possibly by consuming the following:

Raw leafy vegetables, some research artical suggested that veg. starches (juice some raw carrots?) were likly to produce Eqoul similar to along with a Japanese diet high in soy also help. Try a soy isoflavone supplement 30mg (Daidzein, a prominent isoflavone in soy, is converted to Eqoul) along with a probiotic consisting of 4 dominant bacterial strains: Enterococcus faecium EPI1, Lactobacillus mucosae EPI2, Finegoldia magna EPI3, and a Veillonella sp.-related strain EP. Another study showed another bacterial strain worked possible too.

I also don't buy the "Eqoul has seen its 15 min of fame" attitude. Yes Finisteride reduces DHT for the masses much much much better than trying to do it with Eqoul for male pattern baldness. USE finasteride FOR HAIR LOSS. Yes delivery of finasteride is more effective and sure, but science has yet to see everything and figure out all the wonders of natures Eqoul diet. Thats why we must continue to do research on it till we find out.

Do you just pop a pill for acid reflux for the rest of your life or do we try to alter our diet and press on for new cures maybe some to be found in nature.


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I'm on finasteride but actually was thinking of maybe giving equol a try. I actually found a equol supplement but it just has 2mg of equol. I wonder what's a effective dosage. I'll wait to see atleast one hair loss study done with equol.


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There is no Equol available. Only hint of raw Equol was from China or something way over priced and who knows what your getting, for the money.

Equol (4',7-isoflavandiol) is an isoflavandiol[1] metabolized from daidzein, a type of isoflavone, by bacterial flora in the intestines.[2] While endogenous estrogenic hormones such as estradiol are steroids, equol is a nonsteroidal estrogen. However, only about 30-50% of people have intestinal bacteria that make equol.[3] Equol may have beneficial effects on the incidence of prostate cancer[4] and physiological changes after menopause.[5] Other benefits may be realized in treating male pattern baldness, acne, and other problems because it functions as a DHT blocker.[6] S-Equol preferentially activates estrogen receptor type ?.[2][7]

The supplement label should specifically show daidzein 31mg more or less, give or take, and maybe other isoflavones will be shown too.


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