Can someone tell me if this is hair loss?


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28 male, always have had very thick hair that grows very fast. Seems to be the same as my fathers. My mother's hair grew thinner as she has gotten older but I don't think she's losing it. I'm unsure as to what my maternal grandfather's hair was like.

washing my hair the last couple days I felt there was more hair while shampooing in my hands. 5-10 strands.

I've included two pictures of the top of my head taken tonight. I've always had a widows peak so I don't think my hair is receding from the front or anything but I'm worried i'm developing a bald spot on my head? Am I just being over anxious and combing my hair wrong or something?

thank you for taking the time. ... /photo.jpg ... photo1.jpg



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That is very likely male pattern baldness. If I were you, I would start taking finasteride and forget about balding. You are in a good position right now. If you are a good responder, you may keep your hair for many years to come or even improve the situation.


weepysad said:
That is very likely male pattern baldness. If I were you, I would start taking finasteride and forget about balding. You are in a good position right now. If you are a good responder, you may keep your hair for many years to come or even improve the situation.


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Thanks for the responses, although my anxiety is shooting through the roof now.

I am getting conflicting responses via forums and family members also. Full hair in both sides of the family until death (father's side is still alive). My friends all think it's just the area my hair grows from.

Who can officially tell you? Dermatologist? The hair stylist?

The use of those medications would be added insult to an already insulting battery of medications (valium, Inderal, prilosec) for anxiety disorder + stomach issues. Throwing endocrine stuff into the mix would finish me off (not to mention the side effects that i'm totally not ok with.)

In any case, you guys really think male pattern baldness? Today only about 3 hairs while washing my hair. I just don't know when or how this arose. I'm not sure how I even looked at my hair and thought, "that seems odd". No one noticed it, I just must of been having a vain moment in the mirror and saw that my hair seemed different.


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Just went down to a salon and asked, she said it was my cowlick where my hair grows... she's not my normal hair stylist but she said I have a full head of hair and doesn't know what i'm concerned with. throwing my arms up now.


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weepysad said:
That is very likely male pattern baldness. If I were you, I would start taking finasteride and forget about balding. You are in a good position right now. If you are a good responder, you may keep your hair for many years to come or even improve the situation.
I think it's better to start meds now than later. For me , it looks like male pattern baldness in early stage , i was in the same situation like you and while I was thinking is that male pattern baldness, I've Lost 40% of my hair.


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I hate to be the one to ruin your mood all the time. What makes me think that it is probably male pattern baldness is how you can see the cowflick thinning towards your anterior scalp. In other words, the thinning is only in areas that are generally affected by male pattern baldness. If you look at other areas around the cowflick (areas towards the back of your head), you'll notice that you have thick and almost different quality hair.

And yeah, having to take all sorts of chemicals sucks :(


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weepysad said:
I hate to be the one to ruin your mood all the time. What makes me think that it is probably male pattern baldness is how you can see the cowflick thinning towards your anterior scalp. In other words, the thinning is only in areas that are generally affected by male pattern baldness. If you look at other areas around the cowflick (areas towards the back of your head), you'll notice that you have thick and almost different quality hair.

And yeah, having to take all sorts of chemicals sucks :(

If I make an appointment with my dermatologist will he be able to tell me for sure? If this is really happening, can't this be fixed by hair transplant? Honestly, my body really won't handle the chemicals well , I already know this. Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Klonapin etc.) do a real number on every system in your body.

I got a hold of my cousin tonight after remembering that she's been a stylist for over a decade. I showed her about 15 pictures and she just threw a fit and asked me a bunch of questions about the college gal that does my hair. Apparently she is royally messing up my hair. She wants me to drive out of state to her asap so she can fix my hair.

Denial on my part? maybe. But a dermatologist will be able to tell me for sure right?


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It depends on your dermatologist. I don't know if your dermatologist is competent or not when it comes to identifying hair loss. Some of them really have no clue - they find minor hair loss such a trivial problem that they don't even bother. Hopefully yours is not one of them.

I think you are far too early in the stage to be considering hair transplant. You still have a pretty good head of hair. Also, people with transplanted hair generally need to take drugs as well. The best idea would be to try and keep what you have, perhaps even regrow some. However, that is hardly possible without taking any "chemicals" (ie. anti-androgens). Also, we don't know how it will progress. You may be better off the way you are. If the worst was to happen, you could always shave your head. Perhaps bald or buzz doesn't look bad with your face?

I don't know if you are in denial, but I wouldn't be surprised. It is a very common thing to happen for men who care about their hair. My temples have obviously receeded and my hair is slightly diffusely thinned, but I am still in denial. It is a mechanism of defense. A decent dermatologist will be able to tell whether you have male pattern baldness or not.