
Can someone tell me th


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Treatment to my bald spot?

I recently starting balding from only one side of my head. It started about 2 months ago, at first it wasn't a big deal at all but now it's really getting to me. It's stressing me out. The only thing I've tried is crome hair food. I have a couple tiny thin hair coming out for a while now.

Does anyone have any clue on what is can be? Can I just use a hair treatment like rogaine?


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Hello Fernie50 , and welcome,

I do not know what this might be , but the only reason for me to reply to your thread is the fact that it occurred on one side , I have something not as blatant as yours only on the right side and on almost the same area. I've tried minoxidil on it the last year (in spite of not having a male pattern baldness) but it didn't do anything on that area.


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Damn, that's a new one. Yeah see a dermatologist. Not sure exactly what that is. Does not look like normal male pattern baldness.


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Yeah loosing your hair in non-male pattern baldness zone....
Most likely not male pattern baldness, i'd see a dermatologist.


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I would guess it's areata of some type, since that's the only type of alopecia I can think of. Maybe it's endocrine related hair loss (like thyroid). But my first guess would be areata.