Can someone tell what's causing this? Pic included


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Someone please tell me exactly what is happening to my skin. I've been on the big 3 for 5 weeks. minoxidil 2 times a day, Nizoral 2% 2 times a week, and finpecia daily. Is it likely I'm having an alergic reaction this long after starting to take these things? Notice my ear, the skin has become very dry and these little bumps are starting to come in all over my forehead and down the back of my neck. They aren't very noticeable unless you really are up close, but this pic shows exactly what I mean.

Advice is appreciated before I go see a dermatologist! I don't know exactly what I should cut out, or if any of the big 3 are to blame.



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looks like some type of psoriasis, strange... have no clue 2 what u can do, i eat alot of omega 3-6 to help with it.
Itch goes away and alsow the smal spots.
But u should defin see a pro (derm).


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I know exactly what psoriasis is because my ex and her father both had it. I know I don't have psoriasis (there is no history of it in my family either), and it's my bet that you are right in your assumption about the shampoo being the cause.

I'm going to try Nizoral 2%, 1 time per week as that is what is recommended on the instructions. If that fails after a month, I'm going to down-grade to 1% and see if this will solve my problem.

Can someone give me a recommendation on whether or not to take Nizoral 1% two times a week or Nizoral 2% one time per week? Does it really even matter for our purposes (to maintain hair)?

I don't believe that minoxidil or finpecia is causing these problems.

1) the minoxidil isn't being applied to these areas
2)the finpecia only lists rash as 1 potential side effect that occurred in only 2% of people.


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i had the exact same thing when i started on the big 3. it was weird. what i did was keep with the big 3 and put moisterizer on the dry parts. after about 1.5 weeks, it was gone. i havent had it since.


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I'm wondering if I should just ride it out or give my skin a break from Nizoral...

It's quite obvious that something is being irritated, so I can't imagine why I would continue on, but I have had a cold the last 5 days, and I'm wondering if somehow that has effected things? At first, I thought that I was developing a rash from strep, but I don't think that is the case. It isn't red, doesn't itch, and doesn't seem to be spreading.

Anyone else with a comment?


Established Member
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WTF? dude thats nothing! I have some huge bacne! and black heads and your worry over some little *** tiny small bumps that are not even noticeable? I have those same bumps you have and they are on my collarbone no one cares.

In magazines people are Airbrushed most celebs and models have blemishes everyone does.

you have nothing to worry bout.


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Ha! Thanks for the reply TonytheTiger!

1) I want to make sure it won't develop into something more serious.
2) My complexion has always been very clear...It is a slight cause of concern to me.

I'm glad to hear that I've experienced nothing as drastic as you though, and I wish you the best! It sounds like the side effects your having are worse than the thing they are trying to prevent!

I guess I wouldn't know by words alone, but thanks again!


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Yo man, thats a sebaceous cyst I get them in my earlobes! They are refered to as "ear lobe balls" look here!

I have read that getting them in that position is very dangerous, and should not be fidled with. Have a read of these stories, and go to the doctor.

If you leave it alone it should go, i pop my earlobe 1's if they get to bad, but if i had 1 there id leave it be.

Hope this helps.


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Just to add some value to this thread, the cause was excessive use of 2% Nizoral. My skin couldn't take use more than 1 time per week. After a few weeks, the symptoms went away. I still use it, and I haven't had any additional problems from the Nizoral since changing to once per week.