can topical antiandrogen have bad effects on my face?


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I just starter using flutagel on my face in the evening to reduce my beard which is dark and course which makes shaving pain in the butt. My question is could antiadrogen have any bad effects like feminizing my jawline and something unwanted after prolong use? Do you think flutagel is safe to use on ones beard? Also being it antiandroge it should reduce my beard and not make it stronger by creating more testosterone in this area?



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It wont "feminise" your jawline. The only thing feminine about a jaw is that males have larger, squarer jaws and you arent going to affect that at this stage. Antiandrogens may raise dht/testosterone systemically but it wont happen locally. A 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that worked locally would increase testosterone locally but at the expense of DHT so in the end its an effective decrease in androgens.


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I already posted about it week after :)
I now can definetly say that flutagel works! I should have done the same thing with fluridil but I was reluctant to smear alcohol on my face daily. Flutagel is a gel and it goes on easly and there is no residue left but what's most important is that after 2 weeks when I shave I am much more clean shaven and and shadow on the sides of my face has almost vanished.