
Can You Be N2 And Just Have A Cowlick Not Balding Crown?


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17. Been balding since about 15 according to parent. Confirmed by derm at 17 (Never looked at back of my head though just hairline and temples). No treatment yet. I am about a Norwood 2 but the back of my hair looks strange. I used to keep my hair shorter. There are times when it looks like a dent in my hair surrounding my hair or a spot I can't quite cover on right side of my crown. Some barbers call it a cowlick or hair whorl other say it is thinning. Ugh. So if I am already balding at 17 with a Norwood 2, can it just be a hair whorl or is this further balding. I asked this before but I have more pics to compare.

Top pic: My crown at at 14
Next pic: Crown at 16
Third pic: May of this year 17 But hair had just been cut and styled.
4th Pic: This summer
5th pic: My right temple


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I don't see any smaller hairs or signs of miniaturization. I don't think for a second ur thinning. If u are unsure just visit a dermatologist.

Who Farted

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Honestly, I can’t say for sure as to your situation; some of the pics look fine, some look like maybe there’s thinning...

I’m sure it’s possible to have an N2/cowlick, but I don’t know how common it is. That being said, cowlicks are a b**ch in that they can both disguise actual thinning and be mistaken for it.

If I had to make a determination in your case, based on what the pics show, I would say that you aren’t thinning at this time, but to keep an eye on it. Take pics every 3 months and it will become clear. If you feel you cannot wait, visit a doctor.