Can you guys tell when your hair is about to go into a shed?


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I'm about three weeks into month 4 on Propecia/nizoral and month 5 on Rogaine 5%. A few weeks ago I posted some pics that showed some pretty good results at month 3. Mainly in the vertex but the whole top and front looked a bit thicker too. My hair felt really alive. It was laying better and felt thicker and stronger.
Over the past week or so I noticed it just doesn't feel all that great anymore. Kind of limp and just doesn't feel full anymore. And I think it's starting to thin again in the front. There's really not any more than usual falling out that I can see. Maybe 10 to 20 in the shower. (used to be 60-80 before my regimen).
SO is this the first signs that I'm about to go into a shed?.....I guess I'm starting to get the "shedding shits". Looking for some reassurance and some support. This stuff can really play head games with you. When I posted my pics I was so happy... now I'm feeling a little shitty. I think I'll go reread that shedding article to reassure myself.


The Gardener

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I am at month 6 on my regime, and going through another shed. Sheds are not to be worried about, they come and go, and in the long run my hair continues to improve.

The one very obvious symptom that I get before a shed is a slight itchy feeling on my scalp. No, not an irritation-related itchiness, just a very subtle feeling.

Given your time frame, a shed would not be unusual and would be a very normal occurence. Hair has a very long lifecycle before shedding and regrowing. It takes several of these cycles to occur before you have an entire scalp of hair that has been energized from your treatments from root to tip, so you have to be patient during these months.

As for the poor condition of your hair thickness, I suggest trying a good clarifying shampoo to remove any buildup. In my opinion, buildup is the main culprit behind 'weighed down' hair. Personally, I hate the 'moisturizing' shampoos because even though they might make the hair feel thick, as you continue to use the moisturizers, at least in my hair, tend to weigh hair down as a consequence. I have reverted to a nice and simple shampoo, Infusium 23 Original, that is designed to gently clean hair, and fortify it just a bit, and does not leave buildup. I used to be a strict devotee to salon-quality products, Redken in particular. After discovering Infusium 23, and through some experimentation finding the right version of Infusium that works for me, I prefer it hands down and any day over the Redken stuff I used to use that, just as you say, weighed my hair down. And it's much cheaper, too.


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BHD, it may well be that the decline you've noticed in your hair's quality over the past week or so shouldn't be viewed as a precursor to a shed but rather as the aftermath of one.


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I am at month 6 on my regime, and going through another shed. Sheds are not to be worried about, they come and go, and in the long run my hair continues to improve.

I am going through the exact same thing. 6 month shed, however my hair looks extremely thicker and healthier overall even with the shed.


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HEY BHD hang in there

Im going thru a hard one myself, heavy lose at the temple area. Vertex coming back slowly.I contacted Dr Lee looks like Im gonna get on >>

morning apply 1 mL of 5% Xandrox to all affected areas. At bed time, but at least 8 hours later apply 1 mL of Xandrox15 to the same affected areas. Wait 10 minutes, then apply a thin film of 5% spironolactone over the same areas and leave it on all night. << aggresive treatment for the temple area.

I will do this regime w/ Nizoral and Propecia, along with my supplements. I havent worked out in 5 months time to loose the chub. 6ft 1 215 lbs

My pics are on my yahoo profile brianbreak123

Hang in there BHD ur pics u can tell ur making improvement now get ur *** in the Gym and u will have all kinds of chix MAC'n you.

Pce Brian


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thanks for the input everyone....And yea I gotta get back in the gym. Actually my hairloss was originally triggered by doing steroids about 10 years ago...Stay away from that Anadrol. After I started losing my hair I quit working out.

The Gardener

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BHD... the sheds will happen. It is normal. You have to be patient, the sheds are a good indication that the treatment is working. Month three is early in the game, bud. Using a baseball analogy, a shed at month three is like two outs in the first inning. No need to start getting worried.


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I tried test injections>> sipinate / ethanate/ 3 cycles when I was 30 and thats when i noticed my hairloss on the vertex very minor but could see it coming. Im sure this helped get my hairloss started but now im keeping and growin some back

Be positive and love ur life

Pce Brian