can you shed with nizoral?


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im not on any hair growth products like finasteride, dutasteride, or minoxidal but im washing my hair with nizoral (ketoconazole 1%). does nizoral cause shedding? whenever i shampoo my hair a lot of hairs fall chunks of my hair. anytime i get it wet, dry it, run my fingers through it, comb/brush it hair falls out.


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Nizoral will not cause a shed... it only does good things, not bad.


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Nizoral caused a shed for me, although it appears I had a reaction to it as some do. To say that it only does good things is an incorrect statement because like any drug, there are some that will have a negative experience.


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well it hasnt caused any good for me. my hair is the same and losing at a faster rate and hasnt got rid of my seb derm. ive been usin it about twice a week for several months and whenever i shampoo my hair i get massive hair loss and have been shedding (losing) hair a lot faster recently. it probably has nothin to do with the nizoral since any pressure applied to my head (washing, combing, brushing, drying, running fingers through hair) causes hairs to fall out. im probably just losing hair faster

should i stop usin it? doesnt seem to be doing anything for me


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Nizoral can cause shedding. I'd stop using it if its causing a lot of shedding. Its not the same as minoxidil whereby shedding means good regrowth in the future.

Try Tgel instead, this contains piroctone olamine and has a similiar beneficial effect to nizoral but with a different ingredient.


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Rambo said:
Myhair_Matt said:
Nizoral will not cause a shed... it only does good things, not bad.
Every product that stimulates hair growth must cause a shed to be effective , As it pushes the old week hairs out and new stronger hairs sprout.

that is completely unfounded.

but then again so is saying that Nizoral will not cause a shed. it might.


Rambo said:
Myhair_Matt said:
Nizoral will not cause a shed... it only does good things, not bad.
Every product that stimulates hair growth must cause a shed to be effective , As it pushes the old week hairs out and new stronger hairs sprout.

I have got almost no "weak" hairs, they are just becoming less and less.


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I beleve it does. my hair looked sh*t using the stuff also on the slip that come with it it says may increase hairloss!!


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yes u can