Can you wear a hat/beanie over hair piece?


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Just curious if wearing a beanie or a ball cap could possibly off center the alignment of your piece. Especially a beanie since the are much tighter fit than a ball cap.

If I ever chose to star wearing a piece I would definitely want to wear a cap for a while until I got used to showing everyone around me. I get very nervous even thinking about wearing a piece.


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im really interested in this aswell, also caps and all kinds of hats suit my looks and i would definitely need them until i got comfortable and used to wearing the piece.

however from the information i have gathered so far there is absolutely no way a hairpiece would be moved or partially lifted, assuming you did the bonding correctly and have not been out in the most hot humid weather known to man for several hours doing intensive exercise and sweating like a pig.

i am more concerned wether wearing any kind of hat actually reduces the durability.

can anyone clear this up for us?


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waldo said:
im really interested in this aswell, also caps and all kinds of hats suit my looks and i would definitely need them until i got comfortable and used to wearing the piece.

however from the information i have gathered so far there is absolutely no way a hairpiece would be moved or partially lifted, assuming you did the bonding correctly and have not been out in the most hot humid weather known to man for several hours doing intensive exercise and sweating like a pig.

i am more concerned wether wearing any kind of hat actually reduces the durability.

can anyone clear this up for us?

This forum is kinda dead, especially this particular section. Are you considering wearing a piece? Do you know of any other forums regarding hair systems that are much more lively so we can have general questions like this answered? If I decide to go by way of the wig, I'm definitely gonna need some forum support. Not just about specifics, but also emotional support. I love how wigs look. You can have the perfect hair you always dreamed of and any kinda style you want! Well at least any hair that matches your own bottom hair. But at the same's a wig! You have to shave the top of your hair bald and leave the bottom so every time you took it off and looked in the mirror you would look ridiculous. I would be so nervous when people looked at me, I would think they detected my hair piece. Especially if I am with a woman and she starts feeling my hair as she kisses my neck etc. All women love doing that and I would be terrified she would suspect!


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i have already decided that i want to start wearing. atm im still trying to figure out with what supplier i should go, but i plan to start the next year feeling handsome.

this forum section really is not very well visited, from comparing replies and views of threads you can tell many guys lurk around here to gather information, but little actual wearers bother posting. i got most of my info out of browsing way back in this forum section. theres alot of several-page-long threads wich are mostly very informative. another great place to get advice is the toplace forums. people there seem to be very active and there is many veteran wearers there to help you.

i also believe the biggest issues are psychological. the technical stuff, you figure out over time, making experiences etc. but the feeling when taking the piece off to clean it must be... devastating. the paranoia of being busted and social anxiety this brings is something most people, from what i have read, get used to eventually. some other guys however throw the piece away and shave after their first week of wearing.

heres why i think its the right thing for me, sort of a checklist for young balding dudes considering going the wig route:

1. tried it all (finasteride gave me sides, minoxidil is just garbage unless you are only thinning slightly, tried shaving and felt unattractive and awkward, the other products are all expensive, and come with varying degrees of inefficiency and side effects, whatever medication you go for you will have to take indefinitely, and it won't stop the baldness forever)

2. hair transplants are not an option (if you are already severly bald in your mid twenties, you are heading towards nw6 at 35 years. a transplant will provide satisfactory thickness only for some years, until the other hears fall out aswell. you will have to constantly keep transplanting. if you dont get any sides from finasteride, fine. but i wouldnt advise anyone to take that poison under any circumstances ever. transplants are also really expensive (absolutely out of my range atm) and theres always a chance of the surgeon screwing up.

3. already living a compromised lifestyle (if you do lots of sports, get into bar fights every weekend, go kitesurfing every summer and are an amateur boxer, you will not be very happy with a hairpiece. theres a reason why balding athletes always shave. however if you already spend hours a day styling your remaining hair, only for it to look shitty rather than like total sh*t, if you are already self conscious as f*** because of your hair, and barely leave the house because of it, and if you havent been swimming or making out with a girl in the rain for years because of your hair, then its gonna be a huge improvement to your quality of life.

4. you have the right mindset (no idea how to explain this one but i just think not everyone is comfortable, or ever manages to get comfortable overtime with the idea of wearing fake hair. i for example have been hiding under hats and caps and weird hairstyles for years, so im pretty sure i can handle the psychological aspect of wearing a piece)

hope this helps you make up your mind a little.


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Thanks a bunch for your input. For me personally, I still have plenty of hair on my head, but I'm starting to lose ground a bit. Been on finasteride for over three years but I am too scared to start minoxidil cause of all the horror shedding stories I hear about. So I am currently preparing for a back up plan in case my hair goes down the toilet and I'm considering hair piece as an option. I would definitely go hair piece than bald any day of the week. Why should anyone in this day and age go bald if they dont feel attractive? sh*t, just look at all the stuff women do to make themselves look attractive (boob jobs, hair extensions, weaves, make-up, you name it).

Let me ask you this. Do most of your family/friends know you are balding? WHen you get a hair piece and suddenly have perfect hair, are you just gonna tell them or make something up? For me, I would never feel comfortable telling anyone I wear a wig. This would definitely be something only me and my best friend/roommate would know about.


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Better hope you have a good best friend. That kind of sh*t tends to be leaked out, especially after a few beers.


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I trust my best friend. She's been my best friend for over a decade and has always looked out for me. She's about the only person in this world I truly do trust.