If you don’t mind posting pics, we can check for you. What can change is skin aging, the framing of your face by your hairline, maybe body fat percentage.Bare with me please. Is it possible for your entire face and/or skull structure to change in 5 to 7 years? Yeah, I know that sounds crazy. However, I am 27 now and recently been looking back on pictures of me at 20 to 22 and even 23 and I swear my face was wider, better jaw structure better forehead, and just over all look more attractive. I think I may have weighed slightly more back then but not sure. Overall I've always been thin. I really do need to gain 10 to 20 pounds.
I know people age but that is not what I am talking about, in fact people typically think I am younger than I am. Occasionally they think I am in highschool or only been out for 1 to 2 years.
Granted, I was happier at 23, and before. The further back you go the happier I was. Not perfect but certainly way happier than the last 4 years when compared. I can not help but when I look n the mirror or pictures now but see a different guy, just trash. I just gradually began to look horrible to myself. I almost can not stand to look at myself now.
So could it be that my actual face/skull shape has changed in 4 to 7 years and I actually look that much different or my mind is actually distorting the images that badly?
Finasteride is a medication lol. You’ve only been on for 6 months ? Maybe you notice a difference cuz ur hair is worse ?@JohnSmith21 No medication or drugs (other than 0.25mg finasteride a day for about 5.5 months). Nothing else in my entire life, and all this noticing my face stuff started about 2 to 2.5 years ago, and got worse from there.
Could be weight gain / loss or normal aging, but it’s most likely in your head . Pics would be helpful haha@JohnSmith21 The reason I said it that way about finasteride, I know it's a medication and never implied it wasn't, is because this pre-dates finasteride which I have only been on for 6 months. I started to feel this way about my face before I ever started finasteride. So my point was no medications over the last 4+ years or any drugs that would have altered my face.
As far as my hair being worse. I go back and forth, if it's worse, a tiny better, or the exact same. But that's besides the point (sort of), because my hair has always and is long(er) so you can't really see my hair line except where it parts. This is more about my face shape. It's like to me I have literally changed into a different guy from photos from 4 to 7 years ago. Just changed to completely unattractive and different face structure. I can't tell if it's true or if it's my mind seeing things that are not true.