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I recently stumbled upon Capixyl which is a topical gel and it is supposed to help slow down male pattern baldness. The science behind it is that it contains Biochanin A which is known to block 5 alpha reductase locally and limit hair loss to a degree. Has anyone tried it before and is there any truth to this or is this just a snake oil ?


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Thanks. It seemed like no snake oil to me. Have been on minoxidil and nizoral for the last five years and have greatly reduced the rate at which my hair loss was progressing. Though minoxidil still seems to be doing a fair job I plan on adding a topical anti androgen soon (either Eucapil or spironolactone) but first I'll give this a try for 6 months minimum.


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If you do trial (biochatin A) keep us updated periodically when you can.
Also do you mind sharing why you're not using finasteride.?


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The reason why I had to discontinue finasteride was due to the side effects. I was taking 0.25 MG EOD for close to 6 months. Despite the low dosage I experienced side effects such as watery semen, pins & needles sensation on toes and finger tips, muscle loss, fatigue, and had a hard time maintaining a strong erection. I tried to ride them out and it didn't work. Noticed improvement within a week after I got off the drug and when I tried it again, I had a similar experience so I decided finasteride is not for me.

Yes I will document how this works. I don't have a severe case of Androgenic Alopecia. 6 years ago I thought I would be beyond NW3 by my late twenties but I seem to have maintained on Min alone with minimal loss on the left temple over the same period. Currently I am a NW3 on my right temple and NW2 on my left. Had an 800 graft FUE done recently with approximately 650 implanted on the right side to get a slightly healthier hairline.

Thanks for your response.


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Thanks again. Too bad finasteride. didn't work out for you either. My experience with it was different and my reason for stopping had less to do with any "adverse" side effects, but rather because I saw no improvement. In retrospect I wonder whether I was gaining any maintenance benefits from it? Take care.


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Yeah had I not experienced any sides, I would have probably stayed on the drug. Its the most cost effective way of treating your hair loss provided you are lucky not to get any side effects. Believe me, it did help the condition of my hair and I did get decent regrowth on my hairline despite the low dosage. I just shake my head that there isn't a safer way to treat the root cause of male pattern baldness.

I plan on trying either topical spironolactone or Eucapil if I don't maintain with Capixyl. Its a shame really as for more than a decade we have been waiting for the next drug to come out but still we can only say-I'll wait for five more years until something better comes along.


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I'm with you there.
(Maybe I'm confused) Weren't you a short time ago (re) searching for a solution to the permeability question of eucapil; did you ever find one?


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It probably wasn't me. Regarding a topical anti androgen, I plan on using S5/Eucapil only to the front when I eventually get on it. Now that I had a transplant primarily to rebuild my temples close to a NW2, derma rolling won't be worth the effort IMO.


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Okay someone else then.
Man, I'll be rooting for you and your latest efforts (Capixyl) to stave off the merciless male pattern baldness ogre.


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Thanks. I have been on it for four days now. Will post an update with pics at the end of the month.


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Looking forward to your update(s).


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It has been almost two weeks since I started using the stuff. I haven't noticed any shedding nor am I able to see any visible improvement till now. Also I have started applying Minoxidil twice a day in an effort to make my transplanted hair grow faster. For those of you who aren't aware, I am a Norwood 2.5 but had a small procedure (approximately 800 grafts) done in October to strengthen my hairline especially my right temple.

Will continue to use the product for at least six months. If I maintain my existing density, I'll stick with it for the long haul.


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It has been almost two weeks since I started using the stuff. I haven't noticed any shedding nor am I able to see any visible improvement till now.

Will continue to use the product for at least six months. If I maintain my existing density, I'll stick with it for the long haul.

Am I reading too much into this, or so now you do see visible improvement?

Either way, nice update.



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Am I reading too much into this, or so now you do see visible improvement?

Either way, nice update.

Till now it hasn't made much of a difference at least from a cosmetic standpoint. As you might already be aware, it might take up to three or four months for most hair loss drugs to make any difference.


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No shedding so far and hair looks the same as it did prior to starting the treatment which was more than a month ago. If I maintain what I have for the next few months, I'd be glad for trying this.


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I am still using it...My left side appears to have thinned out a bit. I should probably cut my hair a lot closer for all these topicals to be effective especially spironolactone. At the moment my transplant is what is keeping my hairline salvageable.


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I am still using it...My left side appears to have thinned out a bit. I should probably cut my hair a lot closer for all these topicals to be effective especially spironolactone. At the moment my transplant is what is keeping my hairline salvageable.

Are u using spironolactone & capixyl both