

New Member
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Insane, I was browsing through the internet and find out that the philosophers Aristotle and hippocrates said more then 2000 years ago that manliness is a sign of baldness.
He conclude that boys, women and eunuchs didnt have to suffer hair loss. Even with their science, they were still able to find that there was a correlation beetween baldness and testosterone.

Later in 1942, dr. James Hamilton seen twins, once had been castrated has an inmate and didnt had any hairloss. His brother that could keep his manliness was bald. So James give the eunuchs inmates testosterone shots to see if it had any correlation with male pattern baldness.
Every inmates that had male pattern baldness in their genes QUICKLY went bald, those that had been castrated BEFORE their puberty kept their hair despite those T. shots.

He conclude that the only way to keep your hair is castration.

However, the study doesnt say how much T. he was injecting in them, they were inmates and forced to take these T. shots, all I know is that he gave them a lots, enough to have their libido revive.

What is your thoughs? Sure back then Finasteride didnt exist.


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Why in god's name would you opt for a castration if you're only in your twenties? o_O


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I think there are 4 kind of people wanting that...
The castration forum I went on was full of Transgender, Asexual, castration fantasies and male pattern baldness.
I think castrating yourself for hair or castration fantasies is INSANE.
Just my thoughs.


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I am 37, castrated and have kept my hair. Drastic? Obviously, yes. But I still have a full head of hair. I would do it again to keep my hair.


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My Regimen
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castration + minoxidil best regimen