Causes Of Hair Loss Tcm Is It Worth Try It ?


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I tried to find some websites about hair loss on TCM and this is what they told . I think these sounds quite reasonable.

Causes of Hair Loss

Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge suggests the liver stores blood and circulates blood to the sides and top of the head. If the liver is stressed or under pressure, it will dysfunction and decrease blood flow to the head, causing hair thinning and greyness in these regions.

Kidneys dominate the growth and development of the body, including hair. If someone has a strong kidney essence, hair is shiny, thick, strong and healthy and they will have fewer grey hairs when they are old. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners recommend dietary plan that is rich in essential fatty acids, proteins, and minerals.

  • The Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency – The Yin is one part of the energy twin believed in Chinese medicine to drive the functioning of the human body. The liver and the kidney are known to process everything coming out of or leaving the body. Chinese herbs used to treat this deficiency are also believed to contribute to the rejuvenation of hair through the stimulation of hair follicle cells.
  • Toxic Heat – Toxic Heat is the term used to describe the buildup of toxins in the body. This buildup can result from poor diet, infections, environmental pollution and medications. These toxins result in inflammation and increase the acidity of the blood. Herbs that detoxify the body are believed by the Chinese to promote hair regrowth since this toxin buildup also affects the cells of the hair follicles.
  • Reduced Blood Flow – Chinese herbs that improve blood circulation will increase the distribution of needed nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the hair follicles, thereby, stimulating the growth of new hair
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