cayenne pepper ?


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Capsaicin and Soy Isoflavones Promote Hair Growth

After 5 months, hair growth was significantly increased in 64.5% of human volunteers administered with capsaicin and isoflavone, compared with 11.8% in the placebo group.

A teaspoon of dried chili, cayenne or red pepper per day would probably have more than enough capsaicin. As for soy, the best source of isoflavones are soy beans, which contain about 200 mg isoflavones per 100 grams.


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Here's a study showing that a combination of capsaicin and minoxidil worked better than minoxidil alone.



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I started this about 2 days ago and Ive got 1 question. Ok this thing is like a little piece of hell on your scalp so I was wondering if this should be done daily cause it seems pretty harsh. After I wash it off my scalp feels perfectly fine but still I dont know if I should do this every day. BTw Im mixing 3 1/2 tablespoons of ground cayenne pepper in a 16 oz bottle of apple cider vinegar.


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This may sound completely stupid, but would mixing Cayenne pepper powder with Soya Milk be of any help?


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Ok just to give an update on my situation. Its been around 2 1/2 weeks since I started topically applying cayenne pepper mixed with apple cider vinegar. My results so far: nothing in terms of regrowth although I think its way too fast to see any effects. I do consider that my hair is growing at a faster rate but it might just be my imagination. The only thing I can actually see is that dandruff is nowhere to be found, scalp inflammation is gone, the area around my temples used to be very irritated and now its very clean and clear. My hair also doesnt feel as limp or dry anymore. No more itchy scalp either.So far Im happy because my scalp feels very clean and healthy albeit my thin hair is still there.


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Todd - I've been doing this for about 3 months now. At first mixing cayenne pepper into my soy mocha (Starbucks) in the morning. Not bad, gives it a kick and turns my mocha into a morning chai mocha. As far as results, I can tell you I have see small thin wavy and curly hairs growing are my front hair line. I see some on top of my scalp, but not as much.

I don't know if I can attribute all the small regrowth to just the soy/cayenne. I have been using Nizoral 1% every 2-4 days and also changed my diet around. I don't eat as many carbs as I used to. Most of my carbs where coming from breads anyway. Started eating more meat, veggies and nuts. Also, for the last month I've been drinking a green tea, black tea, soy milk and cayenne pepper combo about two or three times a day.