celebrity hair


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dont you find it odd the amount of older rock/pop stars who are famous from their teens/twenties that dont go bald?
its easier to name the ones that have, pete townend, phil collins, elton joh, the edge.

the list is endless of the ones that still have their hair (living or dead):, paul, george, john, ringo, u2, noel and liam gallagher, david bowie, brian may, roger daltry, robert plant, ozzy, mick jagger, keith richards etc etc


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what I don't get is that people always assume "Hair Transplant" everytime they see an actor look one way in a movie, and then 6 months later their hair is thicker...remember movies are made a year sometimes, or more, before they come out.

Also, remember, some people have results on the big three, within 6 months...why do people assume that famous people are NOT using propecia and/or rogaine, etc.

Granted, a hair transplant done right might be quicker as far as results, or even provide more tailored coverage, but I think we can assume that some actors/actresses, etc, are using the drug called finansteride just as suredly as they get "work" done, use creams, lotions for their skin, get tans, work out, use steroids (at least for some movie roles), etc.


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Perhaps if you're a British musician who is not a pedophile or a homosexual, it ensures that your androgen receptors are immune to the effects of DHT?

Maybe it's time for a new study.

The Rock

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Ringo isn't bald but his hair is very poor compared to the rest....only fitting cuz he is the ugliest by far....


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I've sometimes wondered (very casually) what celebrities are using finasteride....

Anyone who saw the Simpsons last Sundays knows that Groundskeeper Willy does... :lol:

not me!

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Resultsnottypical said:
what I don't get is that people always assume "Hair Transplant" everytime they see an actor look one way in a movie, and then 6 months later their hair is thicker...remember movies are made a year sometimes, or more, before they come out.

Also, remember, some people have results on the big three, within 6 months...why do people assume that famous people are NOT using propecia and/or rogaine, etc.

Granted, a hair transplant done right might be quicker as far as results, or even provide more tailored coverage, but I think we can assume that some actors/actresses, etc, are using the drug called finansteride just as suredly as they get "work" done, use creams, lotions for their skin, get tans, work out, use steroids (at least for some movie roles), etc.

er, a hait transplant is not really a "quick" solution. It takes upwards of 12 to 15 months for all the grafts to fully grow in and for the entire procedure to be considered "mature."