changed propecia habbit, and now libido dropped


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I've been on finasteride. for about 10 months now. I haven't had any side effects, but I also didn't really have any results. I recently read taking finasteride. on an empty stomach will help it absorb more in the system, so for the last 2 weeks I started to take it around 11am, 2 hours before lunch and by the time my stomach starts rumbling for some food. I've noticed since I began to do this my libido had dropped significantly. i use to be horny all the time, now i can go a day without thinking about sex, unless i try hard. then again, this could be a psychological thing.


Senior Member
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I am not a doctor but I am skilled in Psychology and it sounds like it is all in your head. I don't know of any studies that say the effect is dampend when taken with food. Talk to your doctor. I think most guys are terrified of Fina because they think it will give them sexual sides. Remeber it only happend in 2% of the test group. Lets even say that, that number is grosely skewed and it is actually 10% you still have a 9/10 chance of not having sexual sides. Reading things on this board you would think that everyone gets em and the number is more like 80%. I think you just hear the bad and not the good.

For instance in retail the saying goes that a customer with a good experience will tell 2 people and a person with a bad experience will tell 20 or more. I think that is what you have here.