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As pussy as it for me to say this,
I haven't cried in a very long time. A very long time.

I have been depressed, sometimes severely depressed, but do not cry anymore about my hairloss or problems... or whine, or any of that sh*t.

I still have a lot of hate. When I'm out jogging, I tend to get most of my energy from hate. That is unfortunately one of things that keeps me going.

I guess that's just part of becoming a man.


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What's going on dude? Keep with the regimen and/or change if needed. Hang in there man, the fight isn't over till' you're dead.

MAN I just looked at your most recent pictures of your hair and it looks f*****g good. What the f*** are you getting depressed about, people would kill for your hair.


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As stated in my first post, my hatred isn't directed so much at my hairloss, but at the other problems in my life. I won't get into details, but I went through some intense stress-periods in my life.

Is there no one who can relate?


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Aplunk said:
As stated in my first post, my hatred isn't directed so much at my hairloss, but at the other problems in my life. I won't get into details, but I went through some intense stress-periods in my life.

Is there no one who can relate?

Yeah I can, ive been really depressed on and off for a number of years now. Not related to hairloss. There was a time where I just wasnt bothered at all with life anymore, no job, no friends, nothing to get out of bed for. I wish I could say im out of that situation but im not there yet. Seem to go around in circles most of the time. Ive often got to the point where I just say f#ck it! I couldnt be bothered trying to sort myself out anymore and I just let myself sink further into it.


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I've been stressed out a bit as well. I was kinda freaked out that i'm graduating in may looking for work but I got a full time job lined up now so i'm prett stoked. My hair is around as good as yours but it still bothers me at times. My gf and I just broke up so i'm trying to get use to being single again . . which bites. I wish you luck man and things will get better i'm sure.



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blah blah blah
stress stressstresss

poor me poor me

jut get your head in gear and start doing what you feel needs to be done.

depressions - the most overdiagnosed overprescribed avenue of medicinel,. all cos you want a quick fix . get some exercise, or maybe acceot the fact that you feel sh*t because your life is sh*t and going no where, and then fix it.


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powersam said:
blah blah blah
stress stressstresss

poor me poor me

jut get your head in gear and start doing what you feel needs to be done.

depressions - the most overdiagnosed overprescribed avenue of medicinel,. all cos you want a quick fix . get some exercise, or maybe acceot the fact that you feel $#iT because your life is $#iT and going no where, and then fix it.

Your a moron


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powersam said:
blah blah blah
stress stressstresss

poor me poor me

jut get your head in gear and start doing what you feel needs to be done.

depressions - the most overdiagnosed overprescribed avenue of medicinel,. all cos you want a quick fix . get some exercise, or maybe acceot the fact that you feel $#iT because your life is $#iT and going no where, and then fix it.

I can also see alot of people-mostly women- are crowding dr's offices for this because by nature they worry about every little thing but there are a small percentage such as myself that are in it deep. Not having any mental issues clouds those persons minds with those misconceptions so for that I can see why you say that. Some people;s lives are sh*t. Period.


powersam said:
blah blah blah
stress stressstresss

poor me poor me

jut get your head in gear and start doing what you feel needs to be done.

depressions - the most overdiagnosed overprescribed avenue of medicinel,. all cos you want a quick fix . get some exercise, or maybe acceot the fact that you feel $#iT because your life is $#iT and going no where, and then fix it.

jackass aussie.


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Aplunk said:
As p**** as it for me to say this,
I haven't cried in a very long time. A very long time.

I have been depressed, sometimes severely depressed, but do not cry anymore about my hairloss or problems... or whine, or any of that $#iT.

I still have a lot of hate. When I'm out jogging, I tend to get most of my energy from hate. That is unfortunately one of things that keeps me going.

I guess that's just part of becoming a man.

Aplunk - that movie about the earthquake that flattened NYC is playing now on USA network. Check it out. It'll cheer you up!


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powersam said:
blah blah blah
stress stressstresss

poor me poor me

jut get your head in gear and start doing what you feel needs to be done.

depressions - the most overdiagnosed overprescribed avenue of medicinel,. all cos you want a quick fix . get some exercise, or maybe acceot the fact that you feel $#iT because your life is $#iT and going no where, and then fix it.

Wow, Powersam, I never realized you had the potential to be such a douchebag, but you proved me wrong.

You've just ranked yourself up there with WoW and Marcules. What a little b**ch...


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lol lets see what's happened to me in the past year ....
Fiancee broke up with me (5.5yrs).
Had to move out of my apt of 2 years to my brothers.
My brother was in Africa (military) so my sister in law was literally going nutz because she was in between jobs and taking care of my niece and taking it out on me for living there even though i contributed money and helped out with everything.
Her brother backed his car into my NEW car.
Found a new g/f which was great but then my ex started getting jealous and tried ruining everything.
Ended up moving from there to a roommate situation. That was ok for a few months but one of my roommates ended up being a crazy druggie and scared my g/f.
Moved to a new apt with my current g/f but she is now in a depression because of her life problems which is coming down on me.
Just 2 weeks ago at a restaurant with my g/f's parents someone smashed my passanger side window in and stole my radar detector from my car.
Still more but i won't ramble on ... all the while going bald and now on medications for them which had caused me to gain back weight i lost last year.
But you know what.... I have a good job... I have a place to live.... I have food and modern conveniences to keep me entertained. There are people in this world with nothing and much more problems so I'm sure my life as well as your life isn't really THAT bad. There are bigger things that you need to worry about that ACTUALLY effect your life and not trivial crap.


no one shows false bravado quite like an aussie. but when your country has never proven itself that's to be expected.


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lol jayman.

A, I hear you, its not all about the hair-loss with me neither,I think Im having some weird issues about becoming a man.. and I mean a proper man, someone who shrugs off bollocks, and gets on with it etc.
However Im just stuck in the past remebering how great it was to be young eg a kid, teeenager etc
My old man is a closed book, he never told me f*** all about actually becoming a full-blown-out-man.And the ginger baldy c*** should have, cos he must have known I would turn out like him.I hardly see him, so f*** knows.Ive had to figure it out on my own.
I do belive it gets easier with time though, and exercise helps so much,cant stress that.I love that high I get when doing a monster un, makes me forget about bollocks floating in my head, and focus.
Depression is a major C-unt, no doubt,especially when noone is there to understand how you feel, or worse no one is there at all.
But f*** it, just crack on, always crack on.

Lol (if that makes sense :p)



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Aplunk said:
powersam said:
blah blah blah
stress stressstresss

poor me poor me

jut get your head in gear and start doing what you feel needs to be done.

depressions - the most overdiagnosed overprescribed avenue of medicinel,. all cos you want a quick fix . get some exercise, or maybe acceot the fact that you feel $#iT because your life is $#iT and going no where, and then fix it.

Wow, Powersam, I never realized you had the potential to be such a douchebag, but you proved me wrong.

You've just ranked yourself up there with WoW and Marcules. What a little b****...

aplunk i didnt make that post. i've messaged gardener to try find out how this happened.


powersam said:
Aplunk said:
powersam said:
blah blah blah
stress stressstresss

poor me poor me

jut get your head in gear and start doing what you feel needs to be done.

depressions - the most overdiagnosed overprescribed avenue of medicinel,. all cos you want a quick fix . get some exercise, or maybe acceot the fact that you feel $#iT because your life is $#iT and going no where, and then fix it.

Wow, Powersam, I never realized you had the potential to be such a douchebag, but you proved me wrong.

You've just ranked yourself up there with WoW and Marcules. What a little b****...

aplunk i didnt make that post. i've messaged gardener to try find out how this happened.

let's have gardener check the IP on the post you made. i think it's more likely that you realized afterward how many people had a problem with what you typed, and are now trying to deny ownership.

even though powersam made 5 posts within that 20 minute timeframe surrounding the post he claims he didnt make in aplunk's thread thread. so i guess we're to assume that he made a few posts, logged out, someone else logged in, made the offending post, then he came back again?


wait, wait just a second.

powersam is John Howard. This explains it. He's on a hair loss website,


using hair loss stuff, and in between finds time to bash members for their depression. Good on you, powersam, I mean John, sorry.


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powersam said:
Aplunk said:
powersam said:
blah blah blah
stress stressstresss

poor me poor me

jut get your head in gear and start doing what you feel needs to be done.

depressions - the most overdiagnosed overprescribed avenue of medicinel,. all cos you want a quick fix . get some exercise, or maybe acceot the fact that you feel $#iT because your life is $#iT and going no where, and then fix it.

Wow, Powersam, I never realized you had the potential to be such a douchebag, but you proved me wrong.

You've just ranked yourself up there with WoW and Marcules. What a little b****...

aplunk i didnt make that post. i've messaged gardener to try find out how this happened.

Or just grow up and take responsability for your very ignorant and insulting post


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i believe him. thats not his posting style and hed have spelt medicinal correctly.