Changing Regimen - Need your advice plz!

too bald too furious

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I have been on minoxidil 5% and nizoral 1% for 5 months now. minoxidil's application was applied on hair line and front of head. After 5 hair line hasnt improved. But surprisingly, the hair over top of head has got thicker.

My aim to start minoxidil was to fill in the temples. Now i know for sure, I am not those very lucky chaps, who respond tremendously on minoxidil, for whom minoxidil alone can help fill in the temples.

I have concluded that minoxidil alone will lose it effectiveness in 5 years or so.
And since hair cloning wont be cheap in near future, I have decided to make most of what proven treatments are available.

I have decided to drop minoxidil 5% and start with Finasteride 1 mg. Finasteride alone with Nizoral should give me atleast 5 years by itself and should maintain what i have on my head. After 5 years, If Finasteride is not sufficient anymore I will add Minox5% and give myself another 5-7 years.

This way i will be able to save my hair for 10-12 years, and hopefull by then I should have enough money to go for FUE/Cloning or whatever is the best in the market.

Not to mention, minoxidil application is a complete pain and has often made me late to work and college, coz of the shitty states it leaves my hair for 2 hours or so.

Please guide me, whether I am on the right track.



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Seems fine, but may have a double shed! minoxidil may have worked better then you thought, in 2/3 months time that hair will shed, also if you shed on propecia too, things could get hairy.



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nexus81 said:
I have been on minoxidil 5% and nizoral 1% for 5 months now... Now i know for sure, I am not those very lucky chaps... for whom minoxidil alone can help fill in the temples.
Minoxidil takes a *minimum* of 4 months just to start regrowing hair. You need to be on it for at least a year, and preferrably longer, before you decide it is not going to help you. You haven't been on it anywhere near long enough, I'm afraid. It may take longer for it to work up front. Either way, the rule with hair loss regimen's is not to switch things up except in increments of 1 year or at the most 6 months. You almost always want to only *add* to your regimen. Not drop something and start something completely different.

Propecia is NOT a growth stimulant. Only a small percentage of users see noticeable regrowth. Dropping rogaine is not the way to go right now. My advice to you is to stick with Rogaine and Nizoral, and give it at least a year. If at the 8 to 10 month mark you just plain are not seeing any difference up front, consider *adding* Propecia.

You do not want to stop taking Rogaine, lose all the hair you've gained, and then start Propecia and go through a shed as well.

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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Thank you and Petchsky for your responses. Sorry for my late acknowledgement, as I have been very busy in the last week. As per advice, I will not drop 5% minoxidil.

I havent applied minoxidil for around 7-8 days now. I will continue minoxidil application only on the hair line, temples and area between the temples.
The rest of the head is definitely diffused, but not so visible as yet.

Probably at the 1 year mark, I may add Propecia or switch from minoxidil to Xandrox.

Does this strategy sound reasonable?

Many Thanks.
