Channing Tatum


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I just saw this photo on Instagram.I have always suspected he was thinning all over.I would say he uses concealers in his movies..So many women love him I hope he can beat this condition called hairloss or he can kiss goodbye his movie career. image.jpgHe seems like a really nice bloke I hope gets a good transplant and moves on.


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he can afford surgeries and cosmetics people tho. I never found him an attractive guy, my GF loves him but I always thought he was average at best, kind of doofy looking really. I mean "I" wouldnt put out for him.


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You won't see him bald anytime in the next 10 years for sure. No celebrity is going to let that happen. He will use any tricks in the book and nobody will know or care and women will find him attractive.

This is why most men have a hard time accepting baldness. You always see these perfect celebrities. Even for a balding actor in his 50s like Hugh Laurie they made his character, Dr. House have almost perfect hair.


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Channing's dad is balding, so he will too, can't avoid genetics.

celebs have access to the best treatments, treatments we never heard of and don't have access too, at least that's what I believe.

hollywood needs to stop glamourizing everything, it's poisoning our kids and generations to come.
last week I was watching a programm on TV (can't remember the name) it was about a 10 year old who found herself ugly. She would spend an hour putting on makeup before school, she didn't want to be seen without. She showed pictures of women in magazines and talked about how flawless those women looked like, she wanted to be like them. So they took her to a studio, and showed this little girl how much makeup these women wear and how they fixed pictures with computers. It's hollywood who give our kids a morphed idea of how the world really is. Turn on the tv , all you see is makeover shows, shows where they perform plastic surgeries on people... that's the world our kids grow up in. I hear stories about mothers who take their teenagers to plastic surgeons to get something fixed.


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Channing's dad is balding, so he will too, can't avoid genetics.

celebs have access to the best treatments, treatments we never heard of and don't have access too, at least that's what I believe.

hollywood needs to stop glamourizing everything, it's poisoning our kids and generations to come.
last week I was watching a programm on TV (can't remember the name) it was about a 10 year old who found herself ugly. She would spend an hour putting on makeup before school, she didn't want to be seen without. She showed pictures of women in magazines and talked about how flawless those women looked like, she wanted to be like them. So they took her to a studio, and showed this little girl how much makeup these women wear and how they fixed pictures with computers. It's hollywood who give our kids a morphed idea of how the world really is. Turn on the tv , all you see is makeover shows, shows where they perform plastic surgeries on people... that's the world our kids grow up in. I hear stories about mothers who take their teenagers to plastic surgeons to get something fixed.

I wish more people with kids would start cutting the cord

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Not really. It's finasteride, minoxidil, hair transplants, concealers and hair pieces for them too.

You know this is why I give Dan Tosh props. He went from THIS




but openly admits on the show he used every possible method to get there.

To me its not a problem that these celebrities use the methods its that they wont ADMIT it.

Especially the men! I Wish more men would come out as wig wearers and make it less "pathetic" in the eyes of women but man men are such pussies!


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Channing is hot, but I've seen hotter. Idk why "all" women have this obsession with him, I mean he has a good body and all but lots of guys do.


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Channing is hot, but I've seen hotter. Idk why "all" women have this obsession with him, I mean he has a good body and all but lots of guys do.

doesnt look great to me. I mean anyone can get in shape with trainers for a role but he admittedly does not keep it up since having ONE kid.



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I think he has mentioned that he is a high functioning alcoholic. His face has deteriorated a LOT since his younger days. I think drugs might also be at play.


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Would she be with him if they both were regular people and he was a NW5? You would have to be really lucky and have a magnetic personality.


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Would she be with him if they both were regular people and he was a NW5? You would have to be really lucky and have a magnetic personality.

Come on, we all know the answer to that! This isn't some forum with privileged fullheads!


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He will go from nice guy to villain.

Already happened to Tom Hardy as Bane in Batman; lack of hair means to be an a**h**, apparently.


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Already happened to Tom Hardy as Bane in Batman; lack of hair means to be an a**h**, apparently.

That Bane was laughable.
No Venom
Tiny little dwarf of a man they tried to make look big
The comic Bane is from South America and this Bane was supposed to be Middle Eastern.... or white middle easters, or I dunno apparently Ras is irish now?!
Bane in the comics is also NOT bald under the mask. Hes actually an Uber hair dude but I guess the villian HAD to have a shaved cranium to be scary. Personally I wish they went with Masked Venom Bane from the comics.
